Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kung-Fu Book sells well over 2000 copies!

Who would of thought that this little book would get this much attention?

Some people prefer to see a technique or drill being applied, some need to be told, and some need to have it done on them to understand. Others need to read it and only then will it sink in.

lays the ground work for any serious martial artist who wants to gain an edge through physical development and creating strong mind/body connections as well as increase flexibility safely and quickly.

Learn from Sijo Jacques Patenaude as you find out unique life principles that led to opening one of the largest chains of kung-fu schools in Canada.

Literally starting with nothing, a gym bag, his girlfriend and a dream. Find out what started it all and who would be responsible for laying down the building blocks, the core principles that would shape his character and lead him to establish the Fang Shen Do System.

We refer to our system as the "FSD Project". It is alive, always growing, always learning, always evolving.
So what does it mean for you?

A guarantee, that you receive the most cutting edge principles and training techniques on the planet in the fastest time possible.

These 10 secrets will help pave the way for accelerated learning and give you the tools you need to succeed in all areas of your life.

Order your copy today,

Sibok Martin

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Benefits of Training in the Dark?

We cater to Kids and Adults.

Kids want flashy fun stuff (Adults want that too) and Adults need to learn a skill and increase their confidence (Kids want that too).

Solution: Glow in the Dark Nunchaku Seminar.

The event was held at our Kanata Kung-Fu School.

If you're a parent, you know that sometimes to get your kids to do something it has to be exciting and unique, enough to get their interest and attention going. If something isn't, their attention span will "Fizzle" away.

Enter the "Glow in the Dark Nunchaku Seminar".

You couldn't get these kids out of our outside training barricade even if you tried dragging them.

Everyone of them was focused and eager to learn the different twirls and chambers taught in this seminar.

Now add the Glow chuks and you got some serious flash going on, making each and every move look that much faster, crisper and razor sharp.

Also, for adults or myself for that matter, I enjoy training in the dark.

It's a habit I've been undertaking for quite some time now.

Practice Sword, Bo Staff, Sticks and Conditioning exercises (Such as Squats, Balance & Footwork Drills) in the dark will lead to enhanced sensitivity and awareness. Instead of "seeing" mistakes in your form you'll actually "feel" them which in turn will make you absorb the technique on a deeper level.

Try it and let me know how it feels. Always use common sense when attempting to do this.

The look on a child's face just when they've learned a new move and actually gets it, priceless. Their self-esteem bumps up 150%. That's what kids need, a place where they can learn in a positive disciplined environment and actually do cool stuff they can tell their friends about.

Being a father of three myself, it's not always easy to find activities for them. You kinda find yourself always doing the same things. Which can be at times, boring.

That's why our Martial Arts program is so popular. It's different. You break the monotony when you come to class. You never know what you're gonna do or learn.

It's also something you can do with the whole family.

I think Martial Arts should be voted the #1 Sport in the world. The whole family can participate, the competition is with yourself, you learn personal protection, you stay in top physical shape, and learn life skills that will stay with you and your family for life.

It doesn't get much better than that.

By the way double click on the picture to the right to open it to full size and look at the kid's faces after the seminar and tell me if you think they had fun.

Until next time,

Sibok Martin

Do You Value Your Ability to Move?

The ability to move is something we all take for granted.

You and I should express gratitude every single day just to be able to do basic chores like: walking, sitting, running, and eating.

What if you suddenly lost the ability to move now? As you're reading this you can no longer move or function.

Any regrets?

Any shouldas and wouldas?

What does it take to get you to move, to exercise and master yourself through martial arts or any other physical endeavor?

Lazyness, Too busy, Too hard, Too many distractions?


We cannot predict the future so I strongly suggest you decide now to start moving and appreciating your freedom. You know why?

Not everyone has the luxury of independent motion.

This reality really hit home with Sifu Brian Paquette. The owner of our Downtown Montreal Kung-Fu School. His brother succumbed to the disease at age 38, shortly after being diagnosed with the disease

What Is ALS?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's disease," is a progressive neuro-degenerative disease that attacks nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body.

Sifu Brian has decided to set up the Father Phoenix foundation in hopes to raise awareness and funds in support of the cause. One of the ways we raise funds is through:


It's a celebration of movement. It entails twelve hours of non-stop action and exercise from participants including any combination of push-ups, running on the spot, jumping jacks, sit-ups, shadow boxing, kicking, punching bags or targets, skipping rope, weapons demonstrations, circuit training etc..
Two participants will be in movement at all times during this twelve hour period. Participants will be replaced on a rotational basis depending on number of participants and time donated.

(E.g.: 10 minute intervals) Participants gather pleadges based on time participated or a flat rate based on estimated participation.

IMPORTANT NOTES:No one person will be required to exercise for the entire twelve hour period. Any amount of time donated as exercise is very appreciated whether it is for two minutes, or two hours.

Food and beverage will be supplied to participants. COME AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!!

You can help with a donation, through participation or by supporting the participants in this worthy cause. A few dollars, a few push-ups or a few words of encouragement will drive this endeavor forward.

Don't wait until you're over-weight to start eating right, don't wait until you have lung cancer to stop smoking.

Take action and realize the gift of movement and lead an active lifestyle now.

Don't know where to start? Click here to find a school near you.


Sifu Martin

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Patenaude Kung-Fu gives hope to Autistic kids

Does your child have ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, or suffer from a mild case of Autism? Are you feeling a bit discouraged and in need of some help?

If so read on, the following story will inspire and offer some hope to struggling families.

At our Laval Kung-Fu School you have Sifu Alain Garofalo who's up to any challenge and will go out of his way to help any child in need of guidance, training, discipline, or social skills.

He's been working with 4 kids recently, some for 1 month and some up to 1 year and their progress has been remarkable, so impressive it caught Jean Lajoie's attention, a reporter for one of Quebec's biggest television station, TQS.

He really wanted to know what all the hype was about.

They stayed and filmed the classes and drills we do for about an hour and a half.

The parents of the kids were present and pretty emotional when they were put on camera.

They just can't believe the positive change in their kids behaviour and attitude.

One child is deaf and the other 3 are autistic. Most of the parents share the same story:

"My child had no friends because he was different"
"He's very shy and unsure of himself"
"He gets teased alot"
"Most kids judge him before getting to know him"
"Some daycares don't know how to handle my child".

Just heart wrenching stories that no child should have to go through in his life. Our goal is to make sure every child has the respect, confidence and constructive social interaction that every 9 or 12 year old should have. Most of our students are either referred by a friend or they searched us up on the web or through yellow pages.

What they thought was going to be a place where they can burn some energy and get fit, which is true but it turned out there was way more to Patenaude Kung-Fu than Punches and Kicks.

It's amazing what a positive environment can do, where they can progress at their own pace while still feeling like they're part of a group, a team if you will.

The training brings out the very best in them and without a doubt affects their school work, family life, social skills and grades simultaneously.

Some of the reasons for this quick development are total concentration and modeling. The kids need to be totally focused during class and when something is fun and challenging it's not hard to get that kind of attention.

You need positive role models and especially our kids nowadays, the Sifu is there to guide the kids and help them achieve their goals.

The biggest issue you'll find today is kids need more Self-Esteem. You start with easy steps, things they can accomplish easily, and this takes on a snow ball affect that leads to unshakeable confidence in their physical abilities, speaking in public, and trying new things.

The report airs on October 29th, 5:20 pm on the TQS Station, tune in to see the kids live in action and hear the parents giving their views on their child's development.

Take Care,

Sibok Martin

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tough Equipment

This shot was taken at our Ottawa Kung-Fu School.

Using the right equipment is critical to your development and safety.

Take this piece of equipment for example. The Body Shield.

A custom shield that you won't find everywhere.

One piece, covering the partner from head to toe and it's curved all around the body for roundline attacks.

It gives you the most versatility. Punching & Kicking in a straight line and round line, Tackling, Clinching the top for knees and elbows.
And unlike a punching bag, the partner has the ability to rush forward, pull away, and move around you quickly. This keeps you alert and on your toes.

Our equipment goes under alot of abuse. So it needs to be tough. That's why most of our shields and bags are made out of a secret material. A material developped for the military, it's virtually un-penetrable, fireproof and will not rip.

What does it mean for you the striker?

Well, for one, it means full power strikes with no fear of hurting your partner. Holding back is detrimental to your development.

And for the holder it means alot.

It guarantees the shield will do it's job: absorb and dissipate the power while protecting the holder from any possible injury.

We use only top of the line equipment to make sure your training experience is dynamic and fun while keeping the highest standard for safety.

See our product list and get your own today,

Sifu Martin