Friday, August 28, 2009

New Instructor in Kanata: Mike Klassen

You already know that we here at Fang Shen Do are constantly improving our curriculum, the quality of our equipment, the professionalism in our schools, the student service, and the variety of events we offer our students.

The same is true with our School Owners.

We are constantly re-evaluating our team and holding them to high standards to make sure our students get the best training possible.

If those high standards of vision, loyalty, minimum hours on the mat, dedication, character, leadership, team spirit, personality, core values are not met, the Owner is replaced by a more suitable one.

This is why we're announcing that if you live in the Kanata area and are looking to start Fang Shen Do training or you're an existing one and you want to continue your advancement in the FSD system you'll be happy to know we have a new instructor coming your way.

His name is Mike Klassen.

Along with my older brother Sifu Stephane Patenaude (from the Orleans Mega Martial Art Center) they'll be taking over the FSD Kanata territory to continue spreading the art.

Mike has a long list of credentials when it comes to his martial art training and background.

Having lived in Japan for a big portion of his life and trained in Judo since the age of 8 under the tutelage of Sensei Sato (a 10 th dan Master), eventually receiving his black belt in 1998, his training and dedication paid off when he won the 1999 Heavyweight Judo Championships in Ontario.

That same year Mike was introduced to Fang Shen Do by Sifu Stephane Patenaude, Sifu Patrick, and Sifu Scott whom were all working at the Cabin (a local bar in Ottawa) as Bouncers.

He shares one story of watching Sifu Patrick who is not very imposing physically, handle a group of guys double his size using only kicking techniques. (As you know using kicks in a real confrontation is dangerous but it's the way he used his kicks to totally intimidate his larger patrons that needed to be escorted out that really impressed him).

Not long after, Mike was invited to a training and demo in Orleans given by Sifu Stephane and Sifu Patrick.

He was blown away by something he had never seen before: Aggressive Closing Techniques.

It was the kind of techniques he really needed, especially with him being a bouncer and even more so after working at one of the roughest clubs in Ottawa (the Factory).

He's personnally used FSD techniques on many occasions with a 100% success rate.

Mike also came in handy in 2003 to help prepare Sifu Patrick and Sifu Scott's Cage Fight in the now dismantled WECF (which grouped fighters from the IFC, UCC, and UGC, which have all regrouped under TKO).

With only 2 weeks preparation both Sifus won their matches and Sifu Scott, to the promoter's dismay, also beat the reigning heavyweight champion that night.

Since then Mike has trained in Richmond, Manotick, Orleans and Toronto.

A father of two, a successful real estate agent and now FSD Owner.

Mike is ready to share with you a world of experience, he has a big heart, is passionate about martial arts and can't wait to help you reach your goals.

If you'd like to get in touch with Mike or Sifu Stephane for classes and to book your free month pass go here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What are you willing to settle for?

"What are you willing to settle for?"

What a great question.

It's the kind of question that puts everything in perspective.

What will you settle for physically?

An out of shape body, "taking it" as it comes and hoping to live a long vibrant life?

Is it letting your body deteriorate prematurely by exposing it to fast food, smoking, or drugs?

Or is it finally not having to worry about your weight by making daily exercise just as routine as brushing your teeth or taking a shower.

Maybe it's reaching a level of health, strength and endurance you can be proud of, taking your health in your own hands and leading an active lifestyle where no sport or activity is considered "Off Limits".

Isn't it time you finally mastered this area about yourself, feeling good in your skin and feeling like you're in total control of your body?

Here's the system I personally use to stay in top physical shape and this, in only minutes a day.

Our students already use this method of training with great results which is why alot of them possess the "at home" version of this course as well. Get started now.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

P.S. Naturally once you're done asking yourself what you'll settle for physically, you'll want to ask yourself the same question for, what will you settle for emotionally and romantically? What will you settle for financially? What will you settle for in your carreer? Ask yourself these questions and see how quickly you feel recharged and unwilling to settle for second best.

You might also be interested in gaining more clarity about what you really want by joining us during our next Live Firewalk Event held on Oct. 25 th. To register go here.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The cost of not reminding yourself

Do you believe you and I already know what we have to do to be successful, healthy, happy, or fulfilled?

I think so.

You already know which foods you should avoid.

You already know you should engage in daily exercise.

If you're practicing martial arts, you know you always have to go back to basics, strengthening the foundational blocks of speed, power, flexibility, intensity and balance.

You know success is a moving target and always calls for adjustments along the way.

You know happiness comes from doing what you love and always striving for excellence in your life.

You know you should spend time alone every day, to breathe, stretch, meditate, contemplate your future, and give gratitude for the opportunities that are coming to you.

There's just one little problem.

You forget.

Why do you forget?

Who knows really.

Too comfortable?



Too many excuses?

Did you ever have this happen to you:

You read a book and the author talks about something you used to do in the past but realize after reading it again you stopped doing that same thing months or even years ago?

Maybe it was a certain exercise routine you used to do but you missed one day then another, and then days became months and so on until a whole year went by and you haven't worked out?

Sometimes it's in relationships. You used to do such and such for your spouse or vice versa in the beginning of your relationship but then complacency settles in and you start taking them for granted, forgetting to keep that spark alive and fresh, leaving you wondering why you don't feel the love anymore.

Stretching out of your comfort zone isn't easy, so is constantly treating your training or the relationships you foster with enthusiasm and the novelty that comes with all things new.

I know there are alot of things I left out in this blog post as far as what you might need to be reminded of, but I think you "get" what I'm trying to say.

Just take this blog post as a reminder and implement a system to regularly be reminded of what's important to you in your life.

The cost of not reminding yourself regularly might cost you your health, your wealth, the love of your life, your drive and passion, your happiness, your clarity of thought knowing you'll never utter the words: "I could of been".

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Monday, August 17, 2009

Martial Arts for Kids

What's more important to parents than the future of their children?

Being a parent myself, I'm constantly thinking of my kids and what I can do to expand their way of thinking, stimulate their growth physically and mentally, unlock their creativity and build their confidence.

With "Back to School" being a main focus this coming week and parents looking at signing their kids in an extra curricular activity to help support their school work, every year Martial Arts is gaining more and more popularity as the ideal sport and personal development activity.

Kids need positive role models and it starts with you. You already know you have such a big influence on them and they are always watching your every move. Make sure you lead by example in the areas of physical activity, choosing nutritious food, as well as maintaining a constant positive mental attitude and self-discipline.

I know it's not always easy to be that perfect role model. That's where we come in.

To assist you in raising, cheerful, disciplined kids with high self-esteem.

It's a partnership of sorts that we create with you.

Seeing them grow up strong, coordinated, flexible, sharp and alert, confident, respectful, focused individuals is our mission.

Sure, there are alot of activites out there for kids to undertake, which are all fun and important, but martial arts will help lay a foundation from which any other activity can pull from.

The same cannot be said about the other activities.

The reason martial arts will make everything else they do better can be found in the core values being taught in the Dojo.

Your kids will learn to be a better student in our martial art classes.

Your kids will learn to focus their eyes, body and minds when learning a new skill.

A strong focus is also put on "learning from watching", mimicking and modeling the instructor's every movement.

Learning how to work as a team as well as individually helps in making your child more independent and responsable, increasing listening skills and developing a "never give up" kind of attitude.

The Kung-Fu class also makes them realize from a very young age the importance of making the right choices when it comes to the food they choose to eat and daily exercise. 2 of the main building blocks to feeling good about themselves and building self-esteem.

Life Lessons are taught in a fun way so your kids learn important values such as having an Attitude of Gratitude, taking responsibility, harvesting mind over emotion, showing respect, avoiding potentially dangerous situations and the list goes on and on.

As a parent, you have access to all life lessons your child will be learning through our parent hand out booklet so you can review them at home with your child if you wish.

With over 35 years experience teaching and raising kids of our own into successful, confident happy leaders we know we can assist you in doing the same for yours.

To find out how to get started and to find a location near you, follow this link.

Sibok Martin

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Need a Pick Me Up?

You can accomplish great things on your own.

And definitely, motivation to train has to come from within.

At the end of the day, you're the one who has to do the sets and reps, the sacrifice, the repetitive practice so your martial art skill becomes second nature.

With dedication you WILL have strength, speed, health, flexibility, and general mastery over your mind and body.

If all this is already possible on your own, imagine if you had a partner that shared the same goals as you?

A partner that would never let you down.

A partner that would call out: "ONE MORE!" when you were just about to give up.

A partner that gives nor takes any excuses.

Actually that partner should be your instructor.

When you visit one of our Fang Shen Do Schools you'll notice how the instructor in charge's only priority is helping you reach all the goals you've set out to accomplish.

Together we can make things happen.

I want to be that partner you can count on but sometimes distance is an issue, you might live too far from one of our schools or live in a different country.

That's why the FSD Inner Circle is made available to you.

The IC is a way for me to train you from a distance. To give you training tips and training workouts as well as nutritional advice for optimal performance.

Knowing you're part of this elite group will help you stay on the path of health and fitness and keep that fire alive when other competing thoughts and activities are pulling you away from it.

You'll get to see what I'm doing in my own personal training and see what's been working for me on a monthly basis.

Join me today so we can get you walking the path of Mastery.

Get started now

Sibok M

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Training Camp Pictures

Testimonials from participants are flooding in.

"The synergy of the group this year was unmatched, we were a team from beginning to the end"

If you joined us last weekend, once the dust settles and you can sit quietly and reflect on your weekend, you'll start remembering things you forgot about.

"Marie-Josee finishing her leg of the speed trail. The women this year were on fire, even flawlessly completing the 350 lbs Tire Flip competition"

Every event "toppled" the other so naturally you kinda forget the drills and activities of Friday and Saturday morning until 3 or 4 days later when memories start flashing through your mind.

You might even ask yourself: "I'd like to be back at camp right about now"

"Julie working her knife defense in the very popular 'Get the Knife' Drill"

And we feel the same way, believe me.

There's such a high throughout the weekend that when everybody leaves on Sunday there's an emptyness of sorts. The void is filled with the excitement of next year and I've already started planning the drills and new obstacles that will be built in 2010 as we will celebrate our 15 th year of holding Training Camps.

I know for alot of students, Training Camp is their ultimate annual test to see if they're training correctly and with enough intensity in their respective school, lack in any one area will keep them primed up for the rest of the year, so those weaknesses are turned into strengths.

A wise student knows there are up and downs in their training (and in life in general). Training Camp just guarantees you have the tools to stay focused, determined and walking the path of mastery.

More to come,

Sibok M

Monday, August 10, 2009

Oh Yeah!

If you were part of the team this weekend I'm sure you're walking around with a big smile on your face right now and if it's not on your face, it definitely is in your heart.

I'm a pretty active guy, I've been on many trips to different destinations around the world, I've searched for extreme activities to subject myself to, I've trained with some of the best in the world and none of what I've done or experienced comes close to living an experience like our Training Camp.

Unique in every sense, the camp puts you to the test in all areas and forces you to dig deep within yourself to not give up when the going gets tough.

A facility like ours just doesn't exist anywhere else in the world. Even people who've been to the Shaolin Temple have told me how it doesn't compare.

Up to now our camp has been reserved to our own private students, up until now most people outside martial art circles don't even know our camp exists.

But that will change this year and next. Our facility is big enough and equipped enough to hold a variety of different events that are either martial art related or geared purely for personal development and leadership training.

If students of martial arts schools around the world only knew what we had here in our little town of Casselman, many would flock here for the experience.

Everyone should get to live this experience at least once in their martial art life.

It's not impossible that you see another opportunity to be part of the Trainign Camp experience this year.

I'll keep you posted and I'll upload more pictures from this year's camp tomorrow.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Event of the Year

Training Camp !

It's the most anticipated event of the year. Some of our students eagerly await this weekend 12 months ahead of time.

I don't know which one is better getting to tell your fellow students I DID IT! or proving to yourself you had what it took to make it through the experience, crystallizing the feeling of personal accomplishment and bringing it to an all time high.

At the end of the camp most students can't believe all the things they've done over the course of 3 short days.

The energy you acquire from being a part of something like this is quite amazing.

You can use the camp to follow through on goals you've slacked off on, or during the many personal development drills we cover during the camp you can discover a new calling, change your career, find out if you're really doing what you love as far as your job goes and are you happy with the choices you've made in your life.

The camp touches so many aspects of your life, not just the mental/internal but the physical as well.

The camp has a way to help you find that inner strength that resides in all of us, just when you think of giving up, something inside you says: "Not yet, just a little more"

What could YOU do with a little more discipline and a never give up kind of attitude?

I'm thinking a whole lot.

Perfect health.

Strong body and mind.

Walking the path of Mastery.

Never settling for second best.

Absolutely no fear of failure.

Living a life of meaning and fulfillment.

And that's just the beginning.

The event I'm talking about is starting tomorrow at 6:30 pm.

If you're ready and motivated to acquire some of the things I've been telling you about, you can do so here.

This event happens only once a year, do not miss out.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

P.S Once you register you'll get an immediate e-mail with all the pertinent details of the camp.

Kids Summer Camp

We had a blast!

If your child was one of the lucky participants of this year's camp
I'm sure they came home with lots of stories and experiences they'll never forget.

Our camp isn't like all the other summer camps being offered at this time of year.

Some summer camps are like just another day at the daycare but when you make it out to our specialized training facility on 16 acres and the kids discover our hidden courses to build balance and team work as well as confidence and facing a fear of heights for example, the look on their face after they've completed it is priceless.

Step by step they realize they can accomplish anything they set out to do as long as they stay focused, are willing to act in spite of fear, making them understand that sometimes losing is learning, being confident and outspoken makes for better life experiences and chances to make new friends.

This is exactly the kind of environment the kids need during the summer.

A chance to have fun, meet new people, learn and enhance their kung-fu skills, stay in shape, and have their imagination and creativity stimulated so that every child can grow up strong, with high self-esteem, with a desire to accomplish great things.

I wish I went to a camp like ours when I was a kid, yours have that chance, mark your calendar for next July and I'll make sure to keep you posted about future kids camps (make sure you're signed on for my daily tips so you can get all the details.)

Master Yourself,

Sibok M