Today marks the 131st year since Edison first was successful with his carbon filament light bulb which lasted for 13.5 hours back in 1879.
The reason I bring this up is the mindset and important lesson that can be drawn from Edison's struggle with making this discovery.
Everyone knows (or should know) that Edison failed 10,000 times before being successful with his invention.
Talk about persistence!
And we are sometimes frustrated in our martial art training when we don't get it the first try!
How ridiculous.
This ties in perfectly with one of Bruce Lee's famous quotes: "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
Take from Edison and Bruce Lee's example and do with it what you will.
Persistence and a never give up attitude is crucial to accomplishing your goals.
Although your martial art journey is never all highs and all lows, I assure you the rewards of sticking with it and following through will bring personal satisfaction and a deep feeling of accomplishment not because you reach black belt but to realize you did not allow any circumstances to deviate you from your objective.
Success builds Confidence.
The ultimate goal is to mirror what you do in the Dojo and match it in everything else you undertake in your life. Be relentless. Be a warrior and never, ever give up.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Atrophy of the Mind
Everyone is familiar with muscle atrophy.
Not exercising is the main cause of muscle atrophy.
But what about the mind?
How can we avoid atrophy of the mind?
As a rule, make sure you exercise your mind as much as you do your body.
Your mind is begging for a challenge.
Make sure you are always expanding, learning and growing.
Once a goal is accomplished immediately set a new one.
Dream like when you were a kid.
Nothing is more sad than seeing someone stuck in stagnation. Going through the motions and getting nowhere stuck in a routine rut.
Anyone who knows my family personally knows we're always working on something. It's never boring around here.
Speaking of new projects. Sijo, our founder is starting a 45 and up class next Thursday in Ottawa.
This class is focused on maintaining joint mobility, increasing energy and sensitivity, fitness, meditation and discussions about living the life you were born to live, the law of attraction, finding fulfillment and purpose in your life, etc...
Call the Ottawa location if this is of interest to you.
No matter what your age or if you're outside the vicinity of any of our schools, avoid atrophy of the mind. It's as simple as learning a new skill.
Martial Art training is great for the mind and keeps you young.
Give it a try, be our guest, find a location near you and discover how invigorating training can be or find a DVD or Book that interests you by visiting the FSD Store.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Not exercising is the main cause of muscle atrophy.
But what about the mind?
How can we avoid atrophy of the mind?
As a rule, make sure you exercise your mind as much as you do your body.
Your mind is begging for a challenge.
Make sure you are always expanding, learning and growing.
Once a goal is accomplished immediately set a new one.
Dream like when you were a kid.
Nothing is more sad than seeing someone stuck in stagnation. Going through the motions and getting nowhere stuck in a routine rut.
Anyone who knows my family personally knows we're always working on something. It's never boring around here.
Speaking of new projects. Sijo, our founder is starting a 45 and up class next Thursday in Ottawa.
This class is focused on maintaining joint mobility, increasing energy and sensitivity, fitness, meditation and discussions about living the life you were born to live, the law of attraction, finding fulfillment and purpose in your life, etc...
Call the Ottawa location if this is of interest to you.
No matter what your age or if you're outside the vicinity of any of our schools, avoid atrophy of the mind. It's as simple as learning a new skill.
Martial Art training is great for the mind and keeps you young.
Give it a try, be our guest, find a location near you and discover how invigorating training can be or find a DVD or Book that interests you by visiting the FSD Store.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Single Focus Part 3
A few weeks ago I started a series on key areas you should focus on as a martial artist.
You read about Speed development and its importance in Single Focus Part 1.
Then you learned how injecting Emotional Intensity into your training guarantees results and drives you to follow through on the goals you've set in Single Focus Part 2.
This next key area of development is one that requires your full attention.
When you've acquired it, it will make everything else you do that much easier and effortless.
It is the root of power.
Have you guessed what it is?
Yes, it is none other than Flexibility.
A loose, pliable and flexible body can generate more power.
It has less chances of getting injured.
You'll learn faster. What? How can flexibility help with that?
One of the challenges most beginners have to face when starting any area of martial arts, be it standing up, on the ground or with weapons is dealing with stiffness.
By learning to relax and avoid being rigid when first learning the techniques, you'll be teaching your nervous system and muscles faster and in a more effective manner so you can integrate the techniques and start using them with more speed and power.
Learning to stretch and acquire joint mobility is also a natural stress reliever.
What you can do mentally when stretching is think of stress as being trapped in a sponge. The sponge being your muscles.
As you stretch, you feel and visualize stress being squeezed out of your body until the last drop. Continue to do this with each body part that you are stretching. I've found this method to be highly invigorating while also feeling like you've had a weight lifted off your shoulders.
When cooling down after a workout and going through some of the exercises covered in our Flexibility Series DVD, the mental clarity and calmness you feel should be something everyone gets to experience.
This key area of development needs to be part of your training routine but not any kind of stretching, learn how to stretch your whole body and double your flexibility over night by following some of the steps outlined in our Flexibility Series.
Make this one of your main focus areas and everything else will suddenly be much easier.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. The Flexibility Series is one of our best products and is one area that most people struggle with. Make stiffness, pain and lack of mobility a thing of the past when you order: Flexibility: How to become as flexible as you were as a Child"
You read about Speed development and its importance in Single Focus Part 1.
Then you learned how injecting Emotional Intensity into your training guarantees results and drives you to follow through on the goals you've set in Single Focus Part 2.
This next key area of development is one that requires your full attention.
When you've acquired it, it will make everything else you do that much easier and effortless.
It is the root of power.
Have you guessed what it is?
Yes, it is none other than Flexibility.
A loose, pliable and flexible body can generate more power.
It has less chances of getting injured.
You'll learn faster. What? How can flexibility help with that?
One of the challenges most beginners have to face when starting any area of martial arts, be it standing up, on the ground or with weapons is dealing with stiffness.
By learning to relax and avoid being rigid when first learning the techniques, you'll be teaching your nervous system and muscles faster and in a more effective manner so you can integrate the techniques and start using them with more speed and power.
Learning to stretch and acquire joint mobility is also a natural stress reliever.
What you can do mentally when stretching is think of stress as being trapped in a sponge. The sponge being your muscles.
As you stretch, you feel and visualize stress being squeezed out of your body until the last drop. Continue to do this with each body part that you are stretching. I've found this method to be highly invigorating while also feeling like you've had a weight lifted off your shoulders.
When cooling down after a workout and going through some of the exercises covered in our Flexibility Series DVD, the mental clarity and calmness you feel should be something everyone gets to experience.
This key area of development needs to be part of your training routine but not any kind of stretching, learn how to stretch your whole body and double your flexibility over night by following some of the steps outlined in our Flexibility Series.
Make this one of your main focus areas and everything else will suddenly be much easier.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. The Flexibility Series is one of our best products and is one area that most people struggle with. Make stiffness, pain and lack of mobility a thing of the past when you order: Flexibility: How to become as flexible as you were as a Child"
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Breaking Agreements
How many times can you break the clauses in a work contract?
What about mortgage payment agreements and car loan payments?
Zero right?
If you do there will be severe consequences and penalties.
But how many times have you broken an agreement that you made to yourself without even acknowledging it?
Why is that?
Why are we so easy with ourselves?
Is it because nobody holds you accountable to any of the resolutions that you made at the beginning of the year?
Do you know you'll make up for that missed training day tomorrow without any ill effect?
Or are you the "Boss around here" and "you'll do whatever you damn well please"?
I like to think of my training, my eating habits and the commitments I've made to myself like full fledged contracts and I strongly recommend you do to.
Whether you decide you're going to commit to something silently in your head, on paper or shared publicly with friends and family you are binded by it.
Having this kind of mentality forces you to follow through on the goals you've set for yourself.
No excuses are made. No procrastination is let in.
Pride and Integrity is what you'll feel when you look back on your journey knowing you DID what you SAID you were going to do.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. How many times have you said you were going to get in shape, lose weight and build strength? Isn't it time you followed through on that? Here's where to start: Station Training
What about mortgage payment agreements and car loan payments?
Zero right?
If you do there will be severe consequences and penalties.
But how many times have you broken an agreement that you made to yourself without even acknowledging it?
Why is that?
Why are we so easy with ourselves?
Is it because nobody holds you accountable to any of the resolutions that you made at the beginning of the year?
Do you know you'll make up for that missed training day tomorrow without any ill effect?
Or are you the "Boss around here" and "you'll do whatever you damn well please"?
I like to think of my training, my eating habits and the commitments I've made to myself like full fledged contracts and I strongly recommend you do to.
Whether you decide you're going to commit to something silently in your head, on paper or shared publicly with friends and family you are binded by it.
Having this kind of mentality forces you to follow through on the goals you've set for yourself.
No excuses are made. No procrastination is let in.
Pride and Integrity is what you'll feel when you look back on your journey knowing you DID what you SAID you were going to do.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. How many times have you said you were going to get in shape, lose weight and build strength? Isn't it time you followed through on that? Here's where to start: Station Training
Monday, October 4, 2010
The next step in your training!
You've seen the Basic and Intermediate Station Kit being offered on the website and you've heard me talk about the next installment being released shortly, well...
It's finally here!
The Advanced Station Kit.
I'd like you to be one of the first to own it. If you're an FSD student, this is the natural progression from your Basic and Intermediate Station Training. It's been designed to seamlessly help you prepare your body for the coming demands that will be put on your body as you progress through the Fang Shen Do System.
If you're not a member but are looking for a challenge and you're curious to see what kind of exercises we do to rid our body of neck, shoulder, back and knee pain in a flash then read on as I explain what you get with this training system.
Here's what's included in the Advanced Kit:
*160 Laminated Cards.
That's 160 progressive exercises that build upon what you've learned in the Basic and Intermediate Kits.
You've probably heard about how your body adjusts every 6 weeks to any kind of physical demand you put on it and how changing your routines and increasing the difficulty of an exercise guarantees you'll keep on getting stronger and making significant gains in your training.
*All music
From 30 seconds to 5 minute intervals you can mix and match exercises and vary the length of every single station. We've also created surprise tracks where you don't know how long each intervals are. Some stations are only 30 seconds long, then maybe 1 minute, then back to 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 5 minutes etc...
*Instructional DVDs:
This was quite a feat to finish. Considering 160 exercises.
Even if I only took 1 minute to explain all of them, that's 160 minutes of raw footage, without counting all of the editing. And most took longer than 1 minute to explain.
*Training Manual E-Book
If the DVDs weren't enough we've compiled everything for you so you can easily look up an exercise and re-read the instructions for proper form and application.
Alot of work went into this course and once you actually start doing the advanced circuits you'll discover muscles that have laid dormant for a while and will help you set the bar high when it comes to your physical fitness levels.
When you see some of the exercises and actually try them out you'll quickly understand how you can take your current fitness level and surpass it within the first month.
I also cover various ways of using the kits to increase your cardio and body awareness so you totally master your body.
I'm very excited to release it and again I wanted you to be one of the first to put it to the test.
Today until Wednesday night only we're including FREE Shipping (a 15$ to 25 $ value depending where you live) and a FREE Issue of my most recent Inner Circle (a 40$ value) to all Advanced Station Kit orders.
The kit is 129$. Here's a recap of what you get:
or if you prefer to break it into 2 payments, go here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Even if you can't perform some of the exercises, just watching me go through them on DVD will inspire you and open your mind to the endless possibilities and what YOU can expect to accomplish in the future.
It's finally here!
The Advanced Station Kit.
I'd like you to be one of the first to own it. If you're an FSD student, this is the natural progression from your Basic and Intermediate Station Training. It's been designed to seamlessly help you prepare your body for the coming demands that will be put on your body as you progress through the Fang Shen Do System.
If you're not a member but are looking for a challenge and you're curious to see what kind of exercises we do to rid our body of neck, shoulder, back and knee pain in a flash then read on as I explain what you get with this training system.
Here's what's included in the Advanced Kit:
*160 Laminated Cards.
That's 160 progressive exercises that build upon what you've learned in the Basic and Intermediate Kits.
You've probably heard about how your body adjusts every 6 weeks to any kind of physical demand you put on it and how changing your routines and increasing the difficulty of an exercise guarantees you'll keep on getting stronger and making significant gains in your training.
*All music
From 30 seconds to 5 minute intervals you can mix and match exercises and vary the length of every single station. We've also created surprise tracks where you don't know how long each intervals are. Some stations are only 30 seconds long, then maybe 1 minute, then back to 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 5 minutes etc...
*Instructional DVDs:
This was quite a feat to finish. Considering 160 exercises.
Even if I only took 1 minute to explain all of them, that's 160 minutes of raw footage, without counting all of the editing. And most took longer than 1 minute to explain.
*Training Manual E-Book
If the DVDs weren't enough we've compiled everything for you so you can easily look up an exercise and re-read the instructions for proper form and application.
Alot of work went into this course and once you actually start doing the advanced circuits you'll discover muscles that have laid dormant for a while and will help you set the bar high when it comes to your physical fitness levels.
When you see some of the exercises and actually try them out you'll quickly understand how you can take your current fitness level and surpass it within the first month.
I also cover various ways of using the kits to increase your cardio and body awareness so you totally master your body.
I'm very excited to release it and again I wanted you to be one of the first to put it to the test.
Today until Wednesday night only we're including FREE Shipping (a 15$ to 25 $ value depending where you live) and a FREE Issue of my most recent Inner Circle (a 40$ value) to all Advanced Station Kit orders.
The kit is 129$. Here's a recap of what you get:
- 160 High quality laminated cards (the cards alone are worth the price: 129$ /160= .80 cents each)
- All music with Intervals ranging from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. (All easily downloadable)
- 2 DVDs (filmed in HD) with full instruction
- Advanced Training Manual E-Book
- FREE Shipping (15 to 25 $ value)
- And my latest Issue of the Inner Circle (40 $ value)
or if you prefer to break it into 2 payments, go here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Even if you can't perform some of the exercises, just watching me go through them on DVD will inspire you and open your mind to the endless possibilities and what YOU can expect to accomplish in the future.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Need Self-Confidence?
It's that time again.
To step out of your comfort zone.
If you stay where you feel comfortable, safe, and content you'll never grow.
You'll stagnate and lead a mediocre life.
But challenge yourself, step into the unknown and watch as your self-confidence expands and reveals parts about you that you didn't know existed.
Whenever I stare at the fire pit I get goose bumps.

Don't you?
Look at the power of fire in this picture.
Can you imagine walking across it?
What if I told you, you could?
And it would be one the most unique sensations you've ever felt?
That joy and excitement would fill every inch of you.
You'd come out on the other side forever changed and armed with renewed focus and determination to tackle any of life challenges and more passion to reach out and make your goals and dreams a reality.
It truly is an experience you'll never forget and it's happening this weekend at our Private training facility right here in Casselman, Ontario on October 3rd at 6 pm.
Come walk with us.
Register here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
To step out of your comfort zone.
If you stay where you feel comfortable, safe, and content you'll never grow.
You'll stagnate and lead a mediocre life.
But challenge yourself, step into the unknown and watch as your self-confidence expands and reveals parts about you that you didn't know existed.
Whenever I stare at the fire pit I get goose bumps.

Don't you?
Look at the power of fire in this picture.
Can you imagine walking across it?
What if I told you, you could?
And it would be one the most unique sensations you've ever felt?
That joy and excitement would fill every inch of you.
You'd come out on the other side forever changed and armed with renewed focus and determination to tackle any of life challenges and more passion to reach out and make your goals and dreams a reality.
It truly is an experience you'll never forget and it's happening this weekend at our Private training facility right here in Casselman, Ontario on October 3rd at 6 pm.
Come walk with us.
Register here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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