You and I should express gratitude every single day just to be able to do basic chores like: walking, sitting, running, and eating.
What if you suddenly lost the ability to move now? As you're reading this you can no longer move or function.
Any regrets?
Any shouldas and wouldas?
What does it take to get you to move, to exercise and master yourself through martial arts or any other physical endeavor?
Lazyness, Too busy, Too hard, Too many distractions?
We cannot predict the future so I strongly suggest you decide now to start moving and appreciating your freedom. You know why?
Not everyone has the luxury of independent motion.
This reality really hit home with Sifu Brian Paquette. The owner of our Downtown Montreal Kung-Fu School. His brother succumbed to the disease at age 38, shortly after being diagnosed with the disease
What Is ALS?
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's disease," is a progressive neuro-degenerative disease that attacks nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body.
Sifu Brian has decided to set up the Father Phoenix foundation in hopes to raise awareness and funds in support of the cause. One of the ways we raise funds is through:
It's a celebration of movement. It entails twelve hours of non-stop action and exercise from participants including any combination of push-ups, running on the spot, jumping jacks, sit-ups, shadow boxing, kicking, punching bags or targets, skipping rope, weapons demonstrations, circuit training etc..
(E.g.: 10 minute intervals) Participants gather pleadges based on time participated or a flat rate based on estimated participation.
IMPORTANT NOTES:No one person will be required to exercise for the entire twelve hour period. Any amount of time donated as exercise is very appreciated whether it is for two minutes, or two hours.
Food and beverage will be supplied to participants. COME AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!!
You can help with a donation, through participation or by supporting the participants in this worthy cause. A few dollars, a few push-ups or a few words of encouragement will drive this endeavor forward.
Don't wait until you're over-weight to start eating right, don't wait until you have lung cancer to stop smoking.
Take action and realize the gift of movement and lead an active lifestyle now.
Don't know where to start? Click here to find a school near you.
Sifu Martin
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