Everyone starts off the year excited and on fire.
For most, that fire starts to "dwindle" after the first weekend. Why?
You've decided you want to get in shape and lose some stubborn fat.
You start off all "Gung-Oh" and do too much too soon. Before you know it you're sore all over, frustrated you pack it in and decide training just isn't for you. In no time you're back reaching for the bag of potato chips.
You might reach Feb. 1st, some might even stick with their program until April. It's only a matter of time before you lose motivation. Here are just 2 reasons for losing that drive.
The "Quick Fix" and "I'm fixed".
Let me explain.
As you probably know we live in a world of instant gratification. If you don't have the results you were looking for NOW you assume what you're doing isn't working. And so, you bounce from one training routine to another.
The other problem with us Humans is when our training program actually starts giving us results, for example: we start feeling better, leaner, stronger and more flexible we stop doing the very thing that brought us all those good feelings in the first place. Before long you're back to where you started and that vicious cycle starts over again.
Yes it's weird but some of you do that.
In a way you're going in circles. It doesn't have to be that way.
Realize there are no "Quick Fixes" and taking care of your "Million Dollar Machine" (maybe more?) is a commitment you should stick to for the rest of your life.
Simplicity, levels of difficulty to expand as you do, variety and fun are qualities you'll find when working with our Station Training Program. This is the very program I've stuck with for over 30 years and it's definitely what I'll do for the next 30.
Model the right people, get started today.
You can get it here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
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