Whoever or wherever you are you fall in one of these categories.
You're either a PROCRASTINATOR. Nothing ever gets started and the time to start something like strength training and physical fitness never seems to be right.
You might be a STARTER. Most people are good at starting pretty much anything. Some are actually very good at it.
But as soon as it gets challenging, and you realize the secret to physical fitness for example is repetition, consistency and commitment, you "self-sabotage" by finding excuses.
You listen to your voice of reason in disguise (you know that voice that tries to sway you away from exercising: It goes something like: "You don't feel like it today", or "You're tired, you should rest".
You start missing one day then 3 and before you know it 3 months go by with an extra 10 pounds around your waist. That same voice comes on again: "Hey, you should start training again". Then the same pattern repeats itself.
What can we do to actually FINISH everything we start?
How can we become a part of this group, the master FINISHERS.
I'll explain to you how, only if you promise to put it to good use.
You become a great finisher by understanding what the Japanese call: "Shoshin"
Translated it means: Beginner's Mind.
One who approaches strength training and martial arts with a beginner's mind is fresh, enthusiastic, and open to the various possibilities that lie before you.
When you possess a beginner's mind you're not burdened with old habits or thoughts of how things could have been or should have been.
It's hard to get bored of your training when every time you do, you look at it with a new set of eyes. As if experiencing it for the first time with child like optimism.
That is the secret to becoming a great finisher. There's always something to learn if you look close enough. If you're always learning you'll always be growing.
Transfer this philosophy in everything you do and you too might become a great finisher.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
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