If you're new to my list of focused, motivated, self-starters, Welcome.
(if you're not new jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon.
You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time! The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course".
Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson is: Put your Ear Muffs and Blinders On.
Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you had ear muffs on?
You overhear a conversation that makes you want to puke, saps you of your productive energy, distracts you from your goal or sometimes, it's not what was said, it's what was not said. Just seeing someone's bad choices or odd behavior is enough to reach for the Blinders.
To think of all the things that are being recorded by our minds consciously or subconsciously through TV, at work, in school, on the net, in movies, makes me wonder how it affects our judgment, behavior, and choices in life.
My dad related a story of how one of his co-workers back in the day working for the army always used to wear ear muffs while working. My dad asked him why he was doing that.
He explained, So that he can be totally focused on the job at hand, his thoughts and his breath.
100% involved in his work. No Distractions. No Gossip. No Negative Influence. Just total focus.
Why are we so easily influenced?
What is refreshing about a soft drink? What's relaxing about a cigarette? What's so appealing about All You Can Eat Buffets? How is slacking off on the job productive for the company? Why trade total consciousness and awareness for total disconnect with alcohol and drugs? Why pop pills when there's a minor discomfort? Why shout divorce before trying to resolve differences?
What's up with TGIF? Why go through life not doing what you were born to do?
When you're ready to start a project, a goal, a career change, anything, put the ear muffs and blinders on, let your own intuition guide you and let no one influence your actions or decisions, only you know what's right for you.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
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