Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Never too Young, Never too Old

Many people are limited by either one of those ideas: "Too young" or "too old".

Do you catch yourself telling yourself that?

When it comes to your physical fitness, the time is NOW.

This is something I wanted my kids to understand at a very young age.

Knowing that kids imitate their parents I make sure to be active whenever they are around me.

Kids Martial Arts
Never too young to start
My second eldest daughter (17 mths old) holds a one minute hang on the hanging bar. All of my kids were hanging from a hanging bar when they were about 15 mths old. My oldest daughter holds handstands and my son works with Kettlebells.

Handstand, get your kids started young
If you think you're too old to start training, think again.

If my little ones can do what they do, there are no excuses. It's a very rewarding habit.

You just need to start.

Start where you are and build from there.

Teach your kids the importance
of health and fitness
Research shows that we are genetically almost 99% identical to our cave man ancestors. So why is obesity reaching epidemic (should I say pandemic) levels?

We're ingesting some foods that were never meant to be eaten and a severe drop in physical activity. Our ancestors were always on the move, hunting, building, gathering wood and stone. If they sat around and did what most people today do in a day (which is not a lot) they wouldn't of survived.

Give yourself and your family the gift of fitness this holiday season, it really is the gift that keeps on giving.

Here's an easy way to ease into the fitness habit, it's a fitness kit that anyone can follow no matter where you are fitness wise.

Get yours here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

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