Part of being subscribed to my list also gives you the chance to find out first hand what's happening in our schools.
Special Events and Seminars are one of them.
I'm gathering most of you have heard about the Shaolin Monks?
Some of you might of even seen them at one of their shows.
We had the opportunity to do the opening demo for their show in 2007 while they were on tour in Montreal.
It was fun to be there with them back stage and see how they prepared and conditioned their bodies before their performance. We also had to make sure we were at the top of our game with about 95% of the people in the audience being chinese, along with China's Ambassador and wife in the audience, and the Shaolin Monks going on stage right after us.
We did not disappoint.
Fast Forward to the purpose of this e-mail: The Shaolin Monks are coming back!
It's one thing to see them at a show but it's a whole other experience to actually train with them.
Well, in February you'll be able to.
2 of Shaolin's finest, whom actually live in the temple, and recently did a show for Vladimir Putin, will be our guests next month.
We're holding 2 of those seminars, one in eastern Ontario and one in Quebec as part of our year long 30 th anniversary celebrations.
First seminar is in Montreal, at my school, February 10th at 7:00 pm. The second is held at the Ottawa Headquarters on February 15th at 12 pm.
If you're in the area do not miss this rare opportunity.
If you're a student of FSD and wish to register for the Montreal Seminar go here.
If you're a non-member and you wish to register for the Montreal Seminar go here.
If you're a student of FSD and wish to register for the Ottawa Seminar go here.
If you're a non-member and you wish to register for the Ottawa Seminar go here.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
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