Sunday, February 22, 2009

Like being taught by Bruce Lee himself

Last Monday was a dream come true for many of my students, any kung-fu practitioner would agree it could of only be topped by being taught personally by Bruce Lee himself.

They got a chance to learn and train with the famous Shaolin Monks.

Something to the equivalent of meeting in person one of your biggest idols. Would you be excited?

The school was jam packed with close to 70 people in attendance.

They made sure to grab everyone's attention by starting with a dynamic demonstration of their kung-fu skill, both armed and empty handed.

You could feel the energy in the air, their intensity and presence that kept everyone's eyes glued to them was impressive.

Both had been studying since the age of 8 and I was curious to see how they were going to teach us, you know with the language barrier and all.

To my surprise, after a demonstration of a technique he was doing with me, he uttered the words: "Encore".

Which you know is french for "again". He had taken the time to learn a few french words so he could better connect with us.

At first they seemed too focused and stern, I guess because of years of training in a very regimented way at the temple in China, as the seminar went along you could feel them getting more comfortable and managed to get a few smiles and chuckles out of them.

I came to realize that they are no different from us. They're Human.

And they love their kung-fu training as I do.

They find great joy in discipline, they want to be happy, they treat their body as a precious temple, and they don't shy away from taking the journey within via meditation.

Do you share these same desires?

I hope you do.

No other sport or activity can connect you like Martial Arts does. It really is the sport of the 21st century.

In Fang Shen Do we're commited to giving our students the best possible, martial art experience. That's why inviting the monks was a no-brainer.

Although I know most of my students wouldn't (or couldn't) spend the rest of their life in a monastery and train 8 to 12 hours a day, I know meeting the monks, seeing them and hearing them talk about their experience certainly inspired most of my students to take their FSD training even more seriously.

It also opened their eyes to the possibilities of what can be accomplished with disciplined effort, commitment, and intensity.

The monks are powerful models you can learn from.

What if you couldn't make it when I sent out the announcement?

I made sure to film everything. Capturing every moment so you can revisit it whenever you wish.

It will be like having a monk look over your shoulder like this student, Mathieu, had the privilege of having.

I'm going to make it available for the next 5 days after that it's going in my prized video library where it will stay there as a souvenir for my kids one day.

To grab a copy of the whole seminar whether you were there and want a souvenir or if you're just curious about seeing the kind of demos, drills and techniques they had us do, Click here.

Master Yourself,

Sifu Martin

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