Back in 1989 my dad started what we called back then "Special Classes".

These classes were reserved for advanced students and were a way to test a whole bunch of different concepts and techniques from a wide variety of martial arts systems to see if they worked.
The gamut of arts we experimented with was extensive and none of them were excluded.
There are many lessons I learned during these sessions and one that comes to mind is the one on "Having no mind".
Let me explain.
At one of these classes my father was explaining this concept and how adults will sometimes over analyze and question "why should I do this" or" why should I do that" either in their heads or to their partner.
And through this analysis, you've heard the statement: "Being caught in the paralysis of analysis" settles in.
This analysis brings self-doubt, hesitation, and fear.
At that moment, my dad put me on the spot.
I was only 11 years old at the time. Just a kid.
What my father went on to explain is when you're a child you don't question like adults do, you just DO.
No questions asked. No excuses. No negative self-talk. No procrastination.
He says: "Mart" (Everyone called me that before I was ever made a Sifu)
"Come up here"
I didn't know what the hell he was going to have me do and the class was packed with grown men staring at me.
"Do a full split to the floor, and Daniel and Christian will lift you by your feet from each side, straight in the air and hold your balance".
I had never done that before but that day I did.
My goal isn't to share this story with you so you can say: "Wow you're great!"
On the contrary, I just want you to know that you're great. You have the potential to do anything you set your mind to.
BELIEVE and it can be achieved.
Instead of finding all the reasons why you can't do something, Focus on doing the THING and with repetition you'll master the thing.
Reach the point of No Mind, have total confidence in yourself and just go for it.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Stretching is a great mind challenge. That's why I enjoy it so much. We've compiled some of the best stretching exercises you can do to reach total flexibility and finesse on DVD. Listen as I go through other important techniques I use to acquire, maintain, and not lose your flexibility.
It's a great resource that no martial artist or athlete should be without. Get it here.
These classes were reserved for advanced students and were a way to test a whole bunch of different concepts and techniques from a wide variety of martial arts systems to see if they worked.
The gamut of arts we experimented with was extensive and none of them were excluded.
There are many lessons I learned during these sessions and one that comes to mind is the one on "Having no mind".
Let me explain.
At one of these classes my father was explaining this concept and how adults will sometimes over analyze and question "why should I do this" or" why should I do that" either in their heads or to their partner.
And through this analysis, you've heard the statement: "Being caught in the paralysis of analysis" settles in.
This analysis brings self-doubt, hesitation, and fear.
At that moment, my dad put me on the spot.
I was only 11 years old at the time. Just a kid.
What my father went on to explain is when you're a child you don't question like adults do, you just DO.
No questions asked. No excuses. No negative self-talk. No procrastination.
He says: "Mart" (Everyone called me that before I was ever made a Sifu)
"Come up here"
I didn't know what the hell he was going to have me do and the class was packed with grown men staring at me.
"Do a full split to the floor, and Daniel and Christian will lift you by your feet from each side, straight in the air and hold your balance".
I had never done that before but that day I did.
My goal isn't to share this story with you so you can say: "Wow you're great!"
On the contrary, I just want you to know that you're great. You have the potential to do anything you set your mind to.
BELIEVE and it can be achieved.
Instead of finding all the reasons why you can't do something, Focus on doing the THING and with repetition you'll master the thing.
Reach the point of No Mind, have total confidence in yourself and just go for it.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Stretching is a great mind challenge. That's why I enjoy it so much. We've compiled some of the best stretching exercises you can do to reach total flexibility and finesse on DVD. Listen as I go through other important techniques I use to acquire, maintain, and not lose your flexibility.
It's a great resource that no martial artist or athlete should be without. Get it here.
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