Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Training with Jean Jacques Machado

What a nice man.

Jean Jacques Machado is very cool.

What a coincidence that we both appeared in the same magazine 17 years ago.

I think it was their first American magazine cover, "Martial Arts Masters" back in 1992 in which my father also had an article on close quarter attack and defense and now finally I get to meet him in person.

After my training session I told Jean Jacques how I enjoyed the atmosphere in his school, there was no ego, everyone was friendly, and how I noticed everyone was open to other types of martial arts.

Whenever you search the internet and stumble upon something martial art related either on You Tube or a Discussion Forum there's always someone studying Jiu-Jitsu that seems to have an attitude and tries to bash everyone who's not studying or training in their art.

Jean Jacques knew exactly what I was talking about. "These people are giving Jiu-Jitsu a bad reputation" he says.

Students are a reflection of their instructor, and bad attitudes are everywhere.

Every man (or woman) you meet is superior to you in one way or another.

Live by this philosophy and you'll always learn something, even when you think you know a particular area you feel comfortable in, no matter what it is, go back to a "beginner's mind", get your ego out of the way.

Not only will you learn something, you'll stay motivated longer and you'll make it more interesting for yourself.

The secret to getting the most out of martial arts is...

Actually DOING martial arts and sticking with it.

I know it's not always easy but like Gene LeBell told me last night:

"You're only young for a little while, then you're old for a long time".

With martial arts training I know you can delay, even reverse the aging process, preserving that youthful vitality as long as you can.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

P.S. Tomorrow I'll let you know of another man I've been working with whom you've probably heard of before, he's still training and staying young and fit, accepting no excuses and sticking with his martial arts training even in his 60s. Great inspiration for all of us. Stay tuned.

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