If you're new to my list of focused, motivated, self-starters, Welcome.
(if you're not new jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon. You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time!
The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course". Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson is: Very Easy to Get Lazy
Especially when you've finally gotten what you were running after.
Have you had this happen to you?
It could of happened to me if I didn't have my weekly lessons with my dad.
Which is a good thing if you're also reading this blog post, it means you'll be reminded too.
Everyone is different but usually:
Some get lazy physically after they get married or when they have kids.
In martial arts it might be when you get a certain high rank.
Others get lazy AFTER they've finally gotten themselves in shape and lost the excess pounds they had to drop.
Whatever the reason might be, the reality is: IT HAPPENS.
It's important to realize this sooner rather than later.
Complacency always finds a way in.
Will you be ready?
Do not be a shadow of what you could of been or what you were.
Hold yourself to the highest standards possible in the areas of health and fitness. Stay excited about learning and acquiring new skills with child like enthusiasm. Be teachable and motivated to know there is still so much to learn.
After each success, stop to celebrate, then get back to work immediately. Realize that success isn't a one time thing. Each day should be evaluated as being a success or a missed opportunity.
Everything you have in your life, that which you are most happy or grateful about needs to be tended to and reminded that none of them are permanent unless you devote some time and energy to preserving them.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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