This picture taken at the Forbidden City off of a huge copper caldron used to store water in case of a fire reminded me of what my father always told me about "What you are looking for is looking for you".
Keeping your goals and desires at the forefront of your mind and reviewing them daily, insures you attract into your life the person or people, the circumstances, or the feeling you are looking for.
One way to be clear about what you want is to clearly write down what you want.
As simplistic as it might sound, the scary part is most people don't have written down goals?
Some have a general idea in their head. And others are oblivious, just going through the daily grind, reacting to life instead of designing it.
I want you to get what you want. I really mean that.
If you're on this list you're at the right place.
DECIDE today what you really want in all areas of your life then attack it with passion and a burning desire.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Interestingly before leaving for China, I packed my journal to record thoughts and feelings after each neigong training to review and track my progression. While flipping through it I came upon an old entry, 3 years to the day, where I clearly stated my intention of traveling to China to work with a neigong master. My book is filled with examples like these. Through reading my blogs and e-mails, one might think of my situation and unique experiences as being lucky. I'm simply following my plan. Write yours today!
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