In other words: "Beware of Procrastination".
No matter what your goals are, big or small, take some immediate action toward their completion today.
No need to get them all done today. The smaller goals that do get done today, great! The goal is to get some momentum going.
You just need to START.
Woody Allen once famously said: "80 percent of life is just showing up!"
Create a snow ball effect by taking small action steps today which will lead you to the results you want tomorrow.
Speaking of action steps I'd like to share some of mine.
Like I mentioned in the past, we have quite an extensive list of new upcoming DVDs on some pretty interesting subjects coming your way. Roughly about 70 different subjects to choose from.
My goal is to finish at least one New Instructional DVD a week.
And with new technology being cheaper with each passing year we'll be finally able to offer these new DVDs at a very attractive low price.
In the area of 24.95$ (depending if it's a one, 2 or 3 disc set).
One of our most popular titles is the Bo Staff Training.

I've just completed Part 2 of what some called: "My best DVD yet."
You can have it today for 24.95$.
It expands on advanced twirling techniques, throws and spins and most importantly, disarming and Sparring with this long range weapon.
Some of my favorite moves are included in this DVD and I'd love for you to master them as well.
Here's the link for it: Bo Staff Part 2
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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