Wednesday, May 16, 2012

3 Wins for Patenaude Fight Team at Hybrid Fight Promotions

“Why don’t you guys compete?"
“Why don’t you guys compete?”
“Why don’t you guys compete?”

This was a question that came up alot during the past couple of years and it’s a legitimate question.

Judging how well we’ve done in various competitions during the past couple of years even I ask myself: “Why didn’t we start competing sooner?”

There’s an old saying my father (Sijo) has been repeating to us since we were kids:

“A winner is fast to make a decision but slow to change it, conversely, a Loser is slow to make a decision but quick to change it”

Back in the 70’s my father made a decision that the purpose of his martial art school was to teach everyday people effective street self-defense one could learn quickly and effectively without taking years to master.

Following the habits of successful people outlined in the old saying, changing your approach haphazardly and not having singleness of purpose in your life or in your business almost always leaves you with either a feeling of overwhelm or an eventual closure of said business.

“Slow to change it” doesn’t mean: “No change”

It means well thought out adaptations to ensure future growth.

One of the secrets to our success in the martial arts has been the ability to make the right decisions precisely at the right time when they needed to be made.

I’m sure you can benefit a great deal by applying this principle in your life as well as in your training.

On a closing note I’d like to share something with you.

We’ve made a decision a couple of years ago just like the one my dad made when he first got started in 1975.

Patenaude fighters fighting in the UFC.

You’ll be seeing a lot more of us in competitions showcasing our training methodologies and principles just like our 3 fighters did last week at Hybrid Fight Promotions.

If you would like to compete and be part of a winning team, I recommend you try out our MMA program located here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

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