Friday, January 14, 2011

Quick Reminder

Hope your week was fruitful and you asked yourself the questions I recommended on Tuesday.

You know, the ones you ask yourself at the end of each week.

Did you see that post or e-mail?

The questions to yourself go like this:

"Am I living the way I want?"

With each week that passes by, did I enjoy my life experience?

Was this what I wanted to do with my life?

On Tuesday I announced a special Conference Call with my dad and myself on the subject of:

"Finding What You Were Born to Do"

It's happening on Wednesday January 26th at 12 pm. We only have 50 spots available. Once you figure out "what you were born to do" everything else is a piece of cake.

To register go here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

P.S Attending this seminar in person would cost you 79$, plus the trouble of driving or commuting in some way to the event. There's an old saying: "Use technology not your body", this is the perfect example. Entry in this nifty little seminar is only 20.11$. Ready to make 2011 your best year yet? Sign up here.

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