Thursday, April 28, 2011

Martial Art Training

When should you start Martial Art Training?

In most cases the answer is: I should of started 20 years ago.


Right Now.

There's definitely no "right time" to get started.

But I do know the longer you wait, you miss out on a slew of health benefits that, as you get older, you would of wished you had acquired.

It's funny how everyone plans for their retirement and you might fall into this category as well; Investments, RRSPs, travel, etc... but you fail to plan the most important part of your life:

Your Health.

Yes! You should plan your health.

How are you going to stay Strong, Healthy and Vibrant well into old age?

Some people make that realization a little too late in their life.

If you happen to sit close to a group of seniors on a Sunday morning for breakfast you'll understand what I mean.

It's unfortunate to hear some of the stories about heart attacks, high blood pressure, digestive problems, sickness and disease, but some, if not most of their health issues could of have been avoided or solved with some simple adjustments in their lifestyle if only precautionary measures would have been put in place earlier in their life.

Why wait to the point where it's too late? Or decide to do something about your health after you have a heart attack? or stop smoking when you're diagnosed with cancer?

Any which way you slice it, Health is numero uno.

Just look around you. In your family and relatives. People in general.

You already know what happens when health is completely ignored or given little attention.

I don't know about you but I don't need to add myself to that statistic.

Be pro-active.

Make Fitness a priority.

Tomorrow I'll cover why you should choose Martial Arts over any other form of exercise.

Stay tuned.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

P.S. For those who are ready to get started here's what you can do for optimal personal fitness.

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