Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fun Kids Activities: Day 2, 30 Day Challenge

Welcome to Day 2 of our 30 Day Challenge to building stronger kids, stronger families.

Strong kids and strong families are built, nourished, and maintained. They don't just happen all by themselves.

Apart from the obvious benefits of exercise, these drills and workouts will solidify your bond with your kids and doing these Fun Kids Activities is part of the process.

Isn't that the reason you had kids in the first place?

To love, laugh, and share special moments with your family.

To create an extension of you and your wife and act as a guide and role model in key areas, the core values.

Each child will grow up to be their own person and eventually there will be a time where you have to release them to the world and hope that you did the best job possible arming them with the right principles and instilling in them a strong foundation of values they can in turn, carry throughout their life and share with their own kids eventually.

Here's one thing I love doing with all my kids.


Sibok Martin

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