One more reason to get busy training.
Now strength training doesn't have to be long and boring. If it's done right, you could be done in 5 minutes and still feel energized, challenged, and working up a sweat.
I'd like to tell you more about our strength training methodology.
There are many benefits to strength training the way we do and the first one is:
Emotional Intensity.
An ingredient we could all use more of. It doesn't just relate to physical activity, in Fang Shen Do it's considered as the level of JING (life) you're able to bring into any activity you commit to.
It might be conditioning, sports, social events, relationships, martial arts, any endeavor really that you're passionate about.
As you might realize there are a lot of dead people walking among us. Not physically but emotionally. As the old saying goes some people die at the tender age of 95 and some die at 25 but stink all the way to 95.
They die emotionally.
By that I mean: they've got a poor attitude, they always seem to be "bored", they live in fear, they are undisciplined, or they're chronic "complainers".
So what do you bring to the table when you're part of something?
Are you a magnet or a repellent?
Do people love to be around you or can't stand you.
I always want people to be happy they've taken the time to either come out and train with me or commit to being part of an event that we're hosting.
Time is non-renewable, invest it wisely.
In any field be it: Soccer (Zidane), a Rock Band (Isis), Poets (Shakespeare), Martial Artists (Bruce Lee), any professional, the top person in every field has a very high level of Intensity.
They have passion for what they're doing.
They each have a different vehicle for expressing emotional intensity but I'm sure if we interviewed each one of them (when some were still alive) and asked them to describe what they feel when doing what they do, they would all answer the same thing: a Heightened level of awareness & focus, time seems to stop, out of body experience, deeply rooted, fully engaged.
You need to transfer that into your strength training. When you train every minute counts.
Like I was mentioning earlier, you can take 5 exercises (5 minutes) and make that the toughest workout you've ever done.
It doesn't take a whole lot of time. It all depends on your mindset.
When you're in the moment, nothing else should matter, indulge yourself fully in the exercise, as if you were doing it for the last time.
So go ahead pick 5 exercises. Do as many reps as you can in 1 minute without stopping and having total intensity, then switch to another exercise until you've done all 5.
Just try it and let me know how you feel after.
For our complete strength training system go here.
Master yourself,
Sifu Martin
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