Some self-defense strategies that we teach are very unorthodox.
When you have to defend yourself or a loved one you have to use any means possible to protect yourself. One of those strategies is to use Deception or to create a diversion to momentarily distract your attacker. To put yourself in a position of weakness so the attacker moves in with his guard down.
"How do you that?", you must be wondering, let me explain.
Now this next strategy I'm about to cover isn't used in a competition or when someone is "swinging" at you. It's used when you're at a disadvantage for example: your opponent is armed (as in a robbery), he's bigger, or in a superior position, and if he's made first contact (Push or Grab).
If he touches your chest, you suddenly fake a heart attack (use this one if you look older), if it's a shoulder contact, fake a shoulder dislocation.
You might fake an asthma attack or start "praying" uncontrollably if he's holding a knife at your throat. What this does is momentarily confuses your opponent and lets you:
Get closer, buys you time, helps you attack when he least expects it.
Remember this is ONE strategy you hold in your arsenal. If you prefer the "Hit First- Finish First" strategy then by all means do that.
I'm skipping some valuable details that we cover in our Closing DVD but it gives you an idea of what you can do when the odds are against you.
Back to my original reason for talking about this.
3 gang members recently used this type of strategy on a pharmacy clerk and ended up beating him up with a hammer right next to our school in St-Leonard.
How did they manage to do it?
2 of them entered the store asking for help with their stalled vehicle. They used exactly what I've been talking about. They used a diversion, they put themselves in a position of weakness, that way the clerk would have his guard down and not expect an attack.
As soon as he was close to the car that's when the 3rd guy started hitting him. It was all part of a gang initiation.
Criminals know what works, just make sure you use these strategies for the powers of good, to protect yourself or your loved ones. Use them to survive, not to commit some random act of violence.
Make sure you possess all the tools necessary to confuse and knock your opponent out cold.
Check out Striking and Closing for more un-orthodox ways to deal with an attacker.
Protect yourself,
Sibok Martin
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