Yesterday I said I would go in more detail today about a secret, underground training I was exposed to last year.
I've been talking about this secret health and longevity training system for a while now.
The best way to explain it is to share my own experience with you.
It's an Internal Energy Training System that increases Chi Flow and promotes health and longevity.
You may of heard of Chi flow before which has to do with moving your energy inside your body.
Doing so should lead to greater health, strength, vitality and awareness.
I'm convinced that most internal arts fall short on their promise. You need to understand I'm a hard sell when it comes to something like this because frankly most of them don't work and believe me I've tried many of the so called best health and longevity system out there.
They work to some degree with mixed results. Nothing comes close to what I discovered using this secret system I've been talking about.
Most fail to open the meridians inside the body. As you may know there are over 300 pressure points on the body and several main meridians in your body. It's kinda like trying to know exactly how many roads, streets, side roads, and avenues there are in a city. We don't know for sure, although we know they can all lead you downtown.
If these meridians are blocked or severed, your chances of increasing your chi flow is highly unlikely even if you practice some other form of Tai Chi, or Chi Gong for a very long time.
Think of a meridian as a river and a blockage is like a dam.
If a meridian is blocked there are 2 ways to go about un-blocking it.
You can either increase the power of the water flow to bust through the dam or increase the water level so the water flows over it.
When you learn the different exercises you open up the meridians. When you first start, you feel pain. Pain is a sign of a blockage.
When will you have no pain?
When the meridian is fully opened.
Imagine the inside of a plumbing pipe after 25 years. Inside your body is no different.
It takes time to clear the channel.
Once the channel is open, the chi flows and replenishes you. Allowing you to sustain the exercise almost indefinitely.
Here's what happened to me 2 months ago. Previously, I'd been following the different training routines and exercises that were prescribed to me and couldn't help but to feel major pain in my right leg and foot anytime I did one of the lower body exercises.
Right away I realized I had a major blockage in that meridian but nevertheless kept repeating the exercises in the right order to eventually have a breakthrough.
And break through it did. I started the same way as I usually do, expecting to have to stop because of the pain but the pain never came. I kept going and going totally pain free. The meridian had finally unblocked. It really was an amazing feeling, I felt like I could go on for days.
Others have felt the same results and look forward to continuing my development in this virtually unknown, under-ground art.
Next time I'll let you know why it went underground for so long and how you can get your hands on this valuable information.
Stay tuned,
Sifu Martin
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