Top Ten Reasons for training in a Martial Art like Fang Shen Do:
1) It Challenges You
If something is too easy it's not worth doing it. When you're competing against yourself there are no sore losers only a stronger, faster, and more flexible YOU.
2) Gets you physically Fit quickly and efficiently
Benefit from over 35 years of experience training and conditioning people for maximum health & fitness. We know what works and most importantly what doesn't. Forget the slow, long cardio.
Forget the superficial gym. Forget the miracle supplements. Follow our strength training system for immediate results.
3) Builds Confidence
One of the most important "must-have" benefits listed on our class applications in 2007 according to our stats: CONFIDENCE.
Without confidence you cannot get anything done. Period.
It takes confidence to get your dream job or start your business. It takes confidence to approach a person you like and build a relationship with.
Why is confidence at an all-time low?
And we believe the first step to building self-esteem is through mastering your body. When you feel good inside it will reflect on the outside. Guaranteed
4) Strengthens your mind
You are your worst enemy and we will highlight that in your training. You'll learn how to control your mind when it wants to quit and drastically push it out of it's comfort zone.
One way we help you realize your true potential is putting you to the test through a series of different training sessions like firewalking which inevitably makes you a believer in...YOU.
5) Helps you set and achieve goals
Right when you start you're given a series of attainable goals you can focus on in the early stages of your training. That leads to a snow ball effect where you become used to following through on what you SAID you were going to do and staying true to it. Integrity is key.
6) Forces you to be mentally and physically flexible
A stiff body doesn't perform as well in any sport. Flexibility is at the corner stone of martial arts training especially in Fang Shen Do. Your body needs maintenance and re-alignment and all this can be achieved with an effective flexibility program offered in our schools.
7) Teaches you a valuable skill that could save your life one day
Although every aspect of martial arts interests us, like competitions, stunt man work, flashy demo moves, the art, philosophy etc...
Our main priority is on effective self-defense which boils down to a few principles you must respect and a handful of techniques that need to be sharpened and internalized for fast, natural reactions in a real confrontation. What you learn is Functional, Simple and Direct.
8) Increases energy and vitality
You want more of that?
Join millions of others who share the same aspiration. But most turn to energy drinks to get their energy boost. Not smart.
"That which comes to you quick and hard be careful", there are some serious consequences to drinking those high caffeine poisons, something I blogged about a few months ago.
With gradual, progressive training you'll feel 20 years younger and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did it all by yourself. But be careful, some exercises and training methods can leave you drained and tired. Make sure you know HOW to train so you feel the positive effects of working out.
9) Gives you direction and purpose
Something happens when you train in FSD. You strengthen your character. Your determination.
You learn to channel your energy. When your attention is scattered nothing gets done. In your martial art training, an attack without intent or purpose is a weak one and easily countered.
In your personal and professional life, a lack of direction and purpose is like rowing a boat with only one paddle. Where to you end up going? Nowhere. You end up going in circles.
Once you learn to direct your energy and thoughts inside the Dojo, doing the same outside of it will be automatic.
10) Makes you appreciate the present moment
Isn't that the purpose of Life? To be happy with every single breath? You reach this state many times during your training.
When a class flies by in what feels like 10 minutes.
When you finally "GET" a technique or concept.
When you just react without thinking.
When you meditate at the end of your training and feel the vibration of your heart beat making you realize how lucky you are to call yourself a martial artist.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
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