As you might already know, last Thursday we held a Neigong training seminar with Raf (one of a few rare neigong teachers around) at the Ottawa location.
Apart from the language barrier once Raf started moving and showing the different exercises and positions, it was quite obvious that he knows something, the way he moved, his concentration as well as the energy he was projecting was felt by all.
Lots of feedback trickling in via e-mails and I thought I'd share a few with you.
Hi Sifu,
This was an excellent Seminar, as was the first one. We are very fortunate to have Raf here with us. By the end of today's seminar, I could feel a difference in strength even though I had a few problems with my prevailing shoulder injury. By the end of the seminar the pain of my injury was totally manageable. Along with my FSD training, my goal is to overcome this temporary limitation, while achieving overall strengthening, better health, and balance. I am more confident of being able to achieve these goals now, especially after this evening.
Not too long ago, before joining FSD, I was very sick. My prognosis was yet to be determined. I was scared, and needed to find a better healthier way to live. While I was recovering from a serious operation, a friend of mine was practicing FSD and invited me as a guest to watch.
I was in awe when I saw the intensity and enthusiasm of all of the students as they did their stations, and even more so when I saw the spectrum of ages of those taking the training, from the very young and beyond. In other words, age was not a factor.
The path I wanted to be on to better health became very clear to me, and soon after I was strong enough, I joined FSD, and have become more driven, and feel stronger with every class. I know that FSD will help me to be the best I can be, while making my body stronger to prevent the possibility of future illness.
It was a fantastic experience, and many need to know what they are missing.
I look forward to the next seminar, and will do my best to spread the word.
Today, I will start the 100 day challenge.
Thanks again Sifu, and all the best to Sijo and Linda.
Best Regards,
That's awesome. Invest in your training and make a point of attending a live training. I'll make sure to let you know the time and place.
Until then get started with "Foundation Development", the first chapter in this on-going series on Internal Work called Neigong.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
It's Louse Time! Cherish your Youth
If you're new to my list of focused, motivated, self- starters, Welcome.
(if you're not jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon. You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time! The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course".
Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
There this saying that goes: "Cherish your youth young man for you too will grow old"
Yes that's true but you can CHOOSE how you grow old. My idea of growing old is not complaining about aches and pains.
It is not taking 20 different pills a day and putting all my faith in my family doctor who supposedly has my best interest at heart (or is he more of a drug pusher?).
It is not spending my pension check at the casino. It is not sitting on a bench at the old folk residence waiting to expire.
It is not sucking on yet another cigarette cause I'm bored out of my mind.
It seems the majority of people have bought into the idea that they're pretty much "over the hill" when they hit 65. It's kinda like this mass delusion so deeply impregnated into our society.
Did you know that the number of people turning 100 doubles every year.
Also at 101, Larry Lewis ran the 100 yard dash in 17.8 seconds setting a new world record for runners 100 years old or older.
Hearing stuff like that gets me inspired. Or watching my dad still training when he's well into his 50s. Today's lesson wasn't too complex, it was just "Leading by Example".
No you're not too old to start training or to keep on training. Choose to stay fit for life.
Aim higher,
Sibok Martin
P.S. With a little help you can dramatically increase the quality of life at an older age using our Neigong Health & Fitness System. Start training your internal energy now so you're strong and vibrant later.
(if you're not jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon. You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time! The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course".
Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
There this saying that goes: "Cherish your youth young man for you too will grow old"
Yes that's true but you can CHOOSE how you grow old. My idea of growing old is not complaining about aches and pains.
It is not taking 20 different pills a day and putting all my faith in my family doctor who supposedly has my best interest at heart (or is he more of a drug pusher?).
It is not spending my pension check at the casino. It is not sitting on a bench at the old folk residence waiting to expire.
It is not sucking on yet another cigarette cause I'm bored out of my mind.
It seems the majority of people have bought into the idea that they're pretty much "over the hill" when they hit 65. It's kinda like this mass delusion so deeply impregnated into our society.
Did you know that the number of people turning 100 doubles every year.
Also at 101, Larry Lewis ran the 100 yard dash in 17.8 seconds setting a new world record for runners 100 years old or older.
Hearing stuff like that gets me inspired. Or watching my dad still training when he's well into his 50s. Today's lesson wasn't too complex, it was just "Leading by Example".
No you're not too old to start training or to keep on training. Choose to stay fit for life.
Aim higher,
Sibok Martin
P.S. With a little help you can dramatically increase the quality of life at an older age using our Neigong Health & Fitness System. Start training your internal energy now so you're strong and vibrant later.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Outdoor activities yield the best results
With summer upon us you should make every effort to take your training outside.
The fresh air.
The vitamin D from the sun (which studies show most people are deficient in)
Modern society has us driving to work, working inside and applying chemical filled sun lotions that block your bodies ability to absorb it.
Apart from the obvious health benefits of training outside I also enjoy the environmental challenge.
The uneven terrain will cause an off-set in your foot position for squats, or doing push-ups on a decline hill.
Jumping over picnic tables.
The variety of exercises you just can't do inside (unless you don't care destroying your floor) like throwing Kettlebells or heavy D-balls.
Sprinting uphill or downhill.
Doing my Neigong outside, I feel a connection with nature and the silence and tranquility helps me focus deep inside.
When training outside positive associations are made since most of your senses are over stimulated outside, making it easier to anchor good feelings with physical training.
Once these associations are in place you can use them at another time when you don't feel like training. One quick mental replay of those images you've anchored will surely change your mood.
Today was another great outdoor training day with the Bros.
Did you do yours?
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
P.S If you still don't know what Neigong is I strongly recommend you take the time to join us tomorrow night at the Ottawa headquarters, 6:00 pm. You'll enjoy training outside with this internal energy system.
The fresh air.
The vitamin D from the sun (which studies show most people are deficient in)
Modern society has us driving to work, working inside and applying chemical filled sun lotions that block your bodies ability to absorb it.
Apart from the obvious health benefits of training outside I also enjoy the environmental challenge.
The uneven terrain will cause an off-set in your foot position for squats, or doing push-ups on a decline hill.
Jumping over picnic tables.
The variety of exercises you just can't do inside (unless you don't care destroying your floor) like throwing Kettlebells or heavy D-balls.
Sprinting uphill or downhill.
Doing my Neigong outside, I feel a connection with nature and the silence and tranquility helps me focus deep inside.
When training outside positive associations are made since most of your senses are over stimulated outside, making it easier to anchor good feelings with physical training.
Once these associations are in place you can use them at another time when you don't feel like training. One quick mental replay of those images you've anchored will surely change your mood.
Today was another great outdoor training day with the Bros.
Did you do yours?
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
P.S If you still don't know what Neigong is I strongly recommend you take the time to join us tomorrow night at the Ottawa headquarters, 6:00 pm. You'll enjoy training outside with this internal energy system.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Live Neigong Training in Ottawa
Last Wednesday I mentioned we were holding a special Neigong training session this Thursday in Ottawa at 6:00 pm.
If you purchased the Neigong DVD recently this is the perfect opportunity to see the different exercises done LIVE and have a chance to meet Raf (one of the rare masters in this virtually unknown art).
If you haven't purchased the DVD yet that's okay, you can use the seminar as your introduction and be shown first hand what you need to do for increased Chi flow and unblocking your meridians.
There are 2 ways to increase the Chi.
1) By doing the exercises (obviously)
2) The master passes down the energy.
I found that last one interesting. The master doesn't just pass down the techniques but also the energy. That same energy has been passed down for many generations.
The same thing holds true in your Fang Shen Do training. If you do not exchange once in a while with your Sifu, your development will be slower. Just looking at all the students in your class you can see who gets the most contact from the Sifu or the school's chief instructor.
Once you do you'll understand faster, you'll move more naturally, and you'll capture the essence of the art.
With that said, there's a great opportunity this Thursday, see you then.
You can confirm your attendance by e-mail here.
Sifu Martin
If you purchased the Neigong DVD recently this is the perfect opportunity to see the different exercises done LIVE and have a chance to meet Raf (one of the rare masters in this virtually unknown art).
If you haven't purchased the DVD yet that's okay, you can use the seminar as your introduction and be shown first hand what you need to do for increased Chi flow and unblocking your meridians.
There are 2 ways to increase the Chi.
1) By doing the exercises (obviously)
2) The master passes down the energy.
I found that last one interesting. The master doesn't just pass down the techniques but also the energy. That same energy has been passed down for many generations.
The same thing holds true in your Fang Shen Do training. If you do not exchange once in a while with your Sifu, your development will be slower. Just looking at all the students in your class you can see who gets the most contact from the Sifu or the school's chief instructor.
Once you do you'll understand faster, you'll move more naturally, and you'll capture the essence of the art.
With that said, there's a great opportunity this Thursday, see you then.
You can confirm your attendance by e-mail here.
Sifu Martin
Monday, June 23, 2008
2008 World Kobudo Convention DVD ready
I just had major flashbacks from our trip to Europe.
Man I wish I was back there. The people, the scenery, the energy. What a wonderful idea it was to capture all of it in HD. When you watch it, you really feel like you're there.
I'm talking about none other than the 2008 World Kobudo Convention Footage. I just finished watching over 4 hours of footage. And that's not just MY master copy, the copy you'll order will have the exact same footage and length.
It's funny how quickly you can forget something (just how you can forget the reasons why you started training in the first place but that's another e-mail all together) now I know where I can go to remember and also show my kids what their dad did when they're older.
The quality of the footage is amazing and not just the film itself but the information it contains is quite educational for any martial artist.
We didn't miss anything. The seminars, the grappling competitions, the demonstrations, the kickboxing matches, the firewalk and the presentations were all caught on film by one of the best film guys in the business; Aldo Visaggio.
So many students asked me how it went in Europe, now you can see for yourself in this 2 disc set, in full HD for a limited time only.
Grab your copy here.
Sifu Martin
P.S Own a piece of history, while this will definitely not be our last trip overseas, this might be the only time we go to these lengths to actually capture everything on film the way we did.
Secure your copy today.
Man I wish I was back there. The people, the scenery, the energy. What a wonderful idea it was to capture all of it in HD. When you watch it, you really feel like you're there.
I'm talking about none other than the 2008 World Kobudo Convention Footage. I just finished watching over 4 hours of footage. And that's not just MY master copy, the copy you'll order will have the exact same footage and length.
It's funny how quickly you can forget something (just how you can forget the reasons why you started training in the first place but that's another e-mail all together) now I know where I can go to remember and also show my kids what their dad did when they're older.
The quality of the footage is amazing and not just the film itself but the information it contains is quite educational for any martial artist.
We didn't miss anything. The seminars, the grappling competitions, the demonstrations, the kickboxing matches, the firewalk and the presentations were all caught on film by one of the best film guys in the business; Aldo Visaggio.
So many students asked me how it went in Europe, now you can see for yourself in this 2 disc set, in full HD for a limited time only.
Grab your copy here.
Sifu Martin
P.S Own a piece of history, while this will definitely not be our last trip overseas, this might be the only time we go to these lengths to actually capture everything on film the way we did.
Secure your copy today.
Friday, June 20, 2008
It's Louse Time! Living Life On Your Own Terms
If you're new to my list of focused, motivated, self- starters, Welcome.
(if you're not jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon. You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time! The agent replies with his british accent: "yes of course".
Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson is: Living Life on Your Own Terms
I like this quote by Christopher Morley: "There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way."
Have you ever been discriminated against?
Told you weren't good enough.
Been openly criticized?
Well we have.
I can just imagine how women felt back in the early 1900's. Unable to vote. Not recognized as a qualified person to be appointed to the senate, other people telling them what they could and couldn't do.
Or what African Canadians went through to have equal rights in this country.
The nerve of people who think they can control you and decide what you can and cannot do in your place.
I have alot of respect for those groups of people that had to fight for their Freedom.
Choose how you want to spend your life. With Who? Where? Doing What? Do not let anyone dictate what you can or cannot do.
There's only one person that can stop you from accomplishing your goals: YOU.
Become a Self-Leader. Stick to what you believe in and march straight ahead towards it.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
(if you're not jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon. You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time! The agent replies with his british accent: "yes of course".
Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson is: Living Life on Your Own Terms
I like this quote by Christopher Morley: "There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way."
Have you ever been discriminated against?
Told you weren't good enough.
Been openly criticized?
Well we have.
I can just imagine how women felt back in the early 1900's. Unable to vote. Not recognized as a qualified person to be appointed to the senate, other people telling them what they could and couldn't do.
Or what African Canadians went through to have equal rights in this country.
The nerve of people who think they can control you and decide what you can and cannot do in your place.
I have alot of respect for those groups of people that had to fight for their Freedom.
Choose how you want to spend your life. With Who? Where? Doing What? Do not let anyone dictate what you can or cannot do.
There's only one person that can stop you from accomplishing your goals: YOU.
Become a Self-Leader. Stick to what you believe in and march straight ahead towards it.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Progression in your training
Finally Wednesday is here. Why?
Wednesday is my "Training with Brothers Day".
Something I look forward to every week.
What better way to push yourself when you're surrounded with family.
Wednesdays are always a little crazy. It's the day where we experiment, test, and create new drills or training programs and we use each other as test guinea pigs.
Just like last week's training left me sore up until today and I'm still feeling it.
Maybe at some time in the future I could go through what we did on that grueling day.
Anyway, coming back to our training, I cannot stress enough the importance of Intensity in your workouts, they need to be full body with no rests.
When you no longer feel pain your body has adapted, make sure you're constantly mixing and changing the order of your stations (as taught in our strength training kits).
It's also important for me to test and do everything you learn from us. If a technique or a drill doesn't work for us it ain't gonna get taught in the school. Period.
That's the kind of confidence I want you to have, knowing that what you're learning has been scrutinized and tested on a weekly basis.
Remember I'm crazy about martial arts, and I follow the japanese KAIZEN principle of never ending improvement (and you should too).
What can YOU improve right now?
Aim Higher,
Sibok Martin
P.S. There are just a handful of Neigong DVDs left, get yours here. Also, I was waiting for confirmation for a special Neigong seminar with Raf himself in Ottawa.
It's official, June 26 th, 6:00 pm, 335 Catherine St. (corner of Lyon) see you there. Send me an e-mail here to reserve your spot.
Wednesday is my "Training with Brothers Day".
Something I look forward to every week.
What better way to push yourself when you're surrounded with family.
Wednesdays are always a little crazy. It's the day where we experiment, test, and create new drills or training programs and we use each other as test guinea pigs.
Just like last week's training left me sore up until today and I'm still feeling it.
Maybe at some time in the future I could go through what we did on that grueling day.
Anyway, coming back to our training, I cannot stress enough the importance of Intensity in your workouts, they need to be full body with no rests.
When you no longer feel pain your body has adapted, make sure you're constantly mixing and changing the order of your stations (as taught in our strength training kits).
It's also important for me to test and do everything you learn from us. If a technique or a drill doesn't work for us it ain't gonna get taught in the school. Period.
That's the kind of confidence I want you to have, knowing that what you're learning has been scrutinized and tested on a weekly basis.
Remember I'm crazy about martial arts, and I follow the japanese KAIZEN principle of never ending improvement (and you should too).
What can YOU improve right now?
Aim Higher,
Sibok Martin
P.S. There are just a handful of Neigong DVDs left, get yours here. Also, I was waiting for confirmation for a special Neigong seminar with Raf himself in Ottawa.
It's official, June 26 th, 6:00 pm, 335 Catherine St. (corner of Lyon) see you there. Send me an e-mail here to reserve your spot.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Too much energy?
Yesterday was my kind of day.
In past e-mails I've talked about the Mushin State. You know that state of being where you're totally immersed in the moment. Time stops... Nothing else matters...You're totally in the zone.
My class last night went over-board by about an hour as it just flew by me and I didn't fall asleep until 3:30 am only to wake up at 5:45 am this morning. Top Shape.
My energy was vibrating. I couldn't turn it off and why would I want to? Some people pop expensive pills to stay awake and drink hazardous energy drinks. There I was getting mine free of charge with no side effects.
Recent surveys show people wanting to have "more energy" but going about it the artificial way isn't the safest solution in the long run.
Want to know my secret?
Neigong. (An ancient lost art for energy and fitness you've heard me talk about)
It's amazing the things happening to me as I continue my progression in this art and you need to get your hands on it.
We have all but 12 copies left of our first batch of DVDs.
In Neigong the number 9 is very special so I'm gonna do something special.
I was given a special gift by Raf ( My Neigong instructor) earlier this year, an old painting depicting deadly pressure points on two warriors. If you're the one who lands on DVD # 9 ( As I sell one I count down from the 12 remaining ones) I'll send you a re-print of this painting along with your Neigong DVD.
That way you can hang it on your wall and look at it while you train and feel special that you own a piece of Neigong history.
Hurry there isn't much time left,
Sifu Martin
In past e-mails I've talked about the Mushin State. You know that state of being where you're totally immersed in the moment. Time stops... Nothing else matters...You're totally in the zone.
My class last night went over-board by about an hour as it just flew by me and I didn't fall asleep until 3:30 am only to wake up at 5:45 am this morning. Top Shape.
My energy was vibrating. I couldn't turn it off and why would I want to? Some people pop expensive pills to stay awake and drink hazardous energy drinks. There I was getting mine free of charge with no side effects.
Recent surveys show people wanting to have "more energy" but going about it the artificial way isn't the safest solution in the long run.
Want to know my secret?
Neigong. (An ancient lost art for energy and fitness you've heard me talk about)
It's amazing the things happening to me as I continue my progression in this art and you need to get your hands on it.
We have all but 12 copies left of our first batch of DVDs.
In Neigong the number 9 is very special so I'm gonna do something special.
I was given a special gift by Raf ( My Neigong instructor) earlier this year, an old painting depicting deadly pressure points on two warriors. If you're the one who lands on DVD # 9 ( As I sell one I count down from the 12 remaining ones) I'll send you a re-print of this painting along with your Neigong DVD.
That way you can hang it on your wall and look at it while you train and feel special that you own a piece of Neigong history.
Hurry there isn't much time left,
Sifu Martin
Monday, June 16, 2008
Fathers' Influence
This weekend I couldn't help but to think of Sifu Alain's speech when he received his black sash quite a few years ago.
For those of you who don't know him he owns the Laval school and is one of my first students.
During the presentation he talked about his dad and how he taught him how to tie his shoes. He remembers it like it was yesterday.
He explained how he just couldn't tie his shoes but his dad kept showing him how to.
His dad was persistent and patient.
Every day he would try but in the end his dad would always wind up tying his shoes for him. (This was before they invented Velcro! It would have been way easier!)
One day finally, he figured it out.
He often asked himself the question:"Why did my dad spend so much time showing me how to tie my shoes?"
Years later he asked his dad why he spent so much time trying to show him how to tie his shoes when any other dad would have given up way before his dad ever would of.
His dad paused for a moment and replied... "I wanted you to have a fair chance", "If you knew how to tie your shoes I knew you'd be ready to work hard and become a somebody."
Today, every time I tie my shoes I think of him and what I can do to inspire others to become a somebody and make a difference in someone's life.
That's why I chose to become an instructor in FSD...
Then he went on to talk about his experience and how the system helped him develop himself.
I just thought it was a great story and just reminded me of how important my role is as a father and instructor.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
P.S. My role is to offer guidance and to recommend training systems that I believe in. There is such a product I've been recommending for several weeks now and we're down to 19 copies. The secret health and longevity training system is available here.
Sifu Alain breaking 8 arrows |
For those of you who don't know him he owns the Laval school and is one of my first students.
During the presentation he talked about his dad and how he taught him how to tie his shoes. He remembers it like it was yesterday.
He explained how he just couldn't tie his shoes but his dad kept showing him how to.
His dad was persistent and patient.
Every day he would try but in the end his dad would always wind up tying his shoes for him. (This was before they invented Velcro! It would have been way easier!)
One day finally, he figured it out.
He often asked himself the question:"Why did my dad spend so much time showing me how to tie my shoes?"
Years later he asked his dad why he spent so much time trying to show him how to tie his shoes when any other dad would have given up way before his dad ever would of.
His dad paused for a moment and replied... "I wanted you to have a fair chance", "If you knew how to tie your shoes I knew you'd be ready to work hard and become a somebody."
Today, every time I tie my shoes I think of him and what I can do to inspire others to become a somebody and make a difference in someone's life.
That's why I chose to become an instructor in FSD...
Then he went on to talk about his experience and how the system helped him develop himself.
I just thought it was a great story and just reminded me of how important my role is as a father and instructor.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
P.S. My role is to offer guidance and to recommend training systems that I believe in. There is such a product I've been recommending for several weeks now and we're down to 19 copies. The secret health and longevity training system is available here.
Help the Sun Youth Organization
I got an e-mail last week from Sifu Brian concerning an article The Gazette published about the food crisis being experienced by the Sun Youth Organization and felt compelled to take action.
On Friday June 20th our downtown location (1827 St. Catherine Street West, second floor) will be conducting a special Martial Arts Workshop between 5pm & 8pm.
This seminar/workshop will be open to all members of the public regardless of age, fitness and skill level. No experience necessary.
We will teach valuable personal safety techniques, fitness, flexibility and breathing exercises, and put on a show with our Demo Team.
Admission to the seminar will be a minimum donation of 3 items of non-perishable food that will be given to the Sun Youth Organization.
If you're in the Montreal Area on that date, stop by the school to show your support.
Sifu Martin
On Friday June 20th our downtown location (1827 St. Catherine Street West, second floor) will be conducting a special Martial Arts Workshop between 5pm & 8pm.
This seminar/workshop will be open to all members of the public regardless of age, fitness and skill level. No experience necessary.
We will teach valuable personal safety techniques, fitness, flexibility and breathing exercises, and put on a show with our Demo Team.
Admission to the seminar will be a minimum donation of 3 items of non-perishable food that will be given to the Sun Youth Organization.
If you're in the Montreal Area on that date, stop by the school to show your support.
Sifu Martin
Friday, June 13, 2008
It's Louse Time!
If you're new to my list of focused, motivated, self- starters, Welcome.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
I call it "Louse Time".
Let me explain what "Louse Time" means.
If you look up the word "Louse" in the dictionary you'll get this definition:
"an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody's behavior and attitude."
What it means is we all need to have someone shake our tree every once and a while. There's a french saying that goes: "Te faire brasser la cage".
I think it's an absolute necessity if you ever want to get anything done.
Sometimes you get caught up in your routine and you need someone to snap you out of it.
What it does is, make you:
a) change a disempowering habit
b) carry less emotional baggage
c) take action on a goal or task you've been putting off
d) shift your focus and get out of your comfort zone
It might come under the form of a question, a discussion, an argument, or even an eye opening sparring match if we want to relate it to martial arts.
So who's gonna do the shaking?
That depends who you have in your "entourage". It can be one of your mentors, a friend you trust, you can do it yourself, or tune in on Friday's Louse Time.
So today's tree shaking task is: "Write a list of all the things you want to do, be or accomplish before you die" and start setting up a plan to get them done one by one, starting today.
Do I have your attention?
What are you waiting for? Get off your azz and start living the life you were born to live.
Aim Higher,
Sifu Martin
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
I call it "Louse Time".
Let me explain what "Louse Time" means.
If you look up the word "Louse" in the dictionary you'll get this definition:
"an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody's behavior and attitude."
What it means is we all need to have someone shake our tree every once and a while. There's a french saying that goes: "Te faire brasser la cage".
I think it's an absolute necessity if you ever want to get anything done.
Sometimes you get caught up in your routine and you need someone to snap you out of it.
What it does is, make you:
a) change a disempowering habit
b) carry less emotional baggage
c) take action on a goal or task you've been putting off
d) shift your focus and get out of your comfort zone
It might come under the form of a question, a discussion, an argument, or even an eye opening sparring match if we want to relate it to martial arts.
So who's gonna do the shaking?
That depends who you have in your "entourage". It can be one of your mentors, a friend you trust, you can do it yourself, or tune in on Friday's Louse Time.
So today's tree shaking task is: "Write a list of all the things you want to do, be or accomplish before you die" and start setting up a plan to get them done one by one, starting today.
Do I have your attention?
What are you waiting for? Get off your azz and start living the life you were born to live.
Aim Higher,
Sifu Martin
Monday, June 9, 2008
Add 15 pounds of muscle
I got an interesting e-mail the other day. I've said it before, we have some pretty awesome students. Students that don't let past experiences put a hamper on their future.
If there's anything you don't like in your life, change it.
This student offers the perfect example.
Dear Sifu Martin,
You've been writing me for quite some time and I am honored. During the last Focus on Results seminar in Montreal I was able to break what seemed unbreakable at first, my ARROW.
Today I'm participating in a Triathlon and I will complete it because I know I can.
I carry a very heavy emotional baggage even though I'm only 15 years old. I've been through a lot. After having been beaten and sexually abused by my father, I felt this emptyness , it just feels like part of him is dead to me. As you can imagine this had an adverse effect on me and my self-esteem.
At that time I weighed 220 pounds and standing at 5 foot 5 inches! One morning I decided I had enough, slipped on my running shoes and started running, convinced I could make it and lose 30 pounds.
I never stopped running from that day forward and ended up losing 70 pounds. When I lost all that weight I started asking myself: "What else I could do except for Football to continue my evolution, my physical and emotional progression?"
One day my brother told me: "Hey they're opening a kung-fu school just up the street from here, we could check it out?"
At that time I weighed 150 pounds and that's when I decided to start my Fang Shen Do training. Today marks my 8th month in kung-fu and now weigh 165 pounds, all the weight I gained is purely muscle mass, backed up by better focus and a renewed sense of purpose.
I sincerely thank you and your team. I'm infinitely grateful!
I have to go win my triathlon now.
Hi S,
Incredible. Congratulations. You know there is no age to inspire someone. YOU insprire me.
I'm sure that when you started running it was your way of dealing with your problems by running away from them. After having done the training at the last Focus On Results meeting you've learned to face them head on without any fear.
Continue your training, all I can promise you is continued growth and self-discovery. We'll make sure you keep setting higher goals for yourself and we'll offer you the support to reach them whatever they may be.
Again, you're an inspiration and let me know anything else I can do to help you.
Sifu Martin
We all have our up days and down days. All I need to do is go through my drawer of success
stories like this one to get me back on track.
If you have a similar success story don't hesitate to send it my way.
Until next time,
Sifu Martin
P.S Speaking of being down, I wanted to release that link to the 500 year old secret training link to you today, just solving a few tech problems and will send it to you tomorrow guaranteed.
If there's anything you don't like in your life, change it.
This student offers the perfect example.
Dear Sifu Martin,
You've been writing me for quite some time and I am honored. During the last Focus on Results seminar in Montreal I was able to break what seemed unbreakable at first, my ARROW.
Today I'm participating in a Triathlon and I will complete it because I know I can.
I carry a very heavy emotional baggage even though I'm only 15 years old. I've been through a lot. After having been beaten and sexually abused by my father, I felt this emptyness , it just feels like part of him is dead to me. As you can imagine this had an adverse effect on me and my self-esteem.
At that time I weighed 220 pounds and standing at 5 foot 5 inches! One morning I decided I had enough, slipped on my running shoes and started running, convinced I could make it and lose 30 pounds.
I never stopped running from that day forward and ended up losing 70 pounds. When I lost all that weight I started asking myself: "What else I could do except for Football to continue my evolution, my physical and emotional progression?"
One day my brother told me: "Hey they're opening a kung-fu school just up the street from here, we could check it out?"
At that time I weighed 150 pounds and that's when I decided to start my Fang Shen Do training. Today marks my 8th month in kung-fu and now weigh 165 pounds, all the weight I gained is purely muscle mass, backed up by better focus and a renewed sense of purpose.
I sincerely thank you and your team. I'm infinitely grateful!
I have to go win my triathlon now.
Hi S,
Incredible. Congratulations. You know there is no age to inspire someone. YOU insprire me.
I'm sure that when you started running it was your way of dealing with your problems by running away from them. After having done the training at the last Focus On Results meeting you've learned to face them head on without any fear.
Continue your training, all I can promise you is continued growth and self-discovery. We'll make sure you keep setting higher goals for yourself and we'll offer you the support to reach them whatever they may be.
Again, you're an inspiration and let me know anything else I can do to help you.
Sifu Martin
We all have our up days and down days. All I need to do is go through my drawer of success
stories like this one to get me back on track.
If you have a similar success story don't hesitate to send it my way.
Until next time,
Sifu Martin
P.S Speaking of being down, I wanted to release that link to the 500 year old secret training link to you today, just solving a few tech problems and will send it to you tomorrow guaranteed.
Friday, June 6, 2008
It's Louse Time! What you share multiplies
As you might already know, every Friday is "Louse Time".
"What you KEEP diminishes, What you SHARE multiplies".
Whenever I can share my personal experiences and what I've been through, just the thought of helping push you in the right direction when it comes to martial arts and physical fitness, keeps me motivated to write on a daily basis.
You ask yourself, Why me? Why us? Why did this happen? In the end you realize there is no why. You realize it's only a question of how much power you give it.
When I saw my parents leave on Wednesday it taught me an important lesson.
Do not let past experiences stop you from enjoying the things that make you happy or let them stop you from taking action on a goal or a dream for a second, third or even a fourth time.
Sibok Martin
Many of my readers look forward to this weekly issue and I do to. My father once told me a long time ago:
"What you KEEP diminishes, What you SHARE multiplies".
Whenever I can share my personal experiences and what I've been through, just the thought of helping push you in the right direction when it comes to martial arts and physical fitness, keeps me motivated to write on a daily basis.
Sijo and my mother are gone to the Annual Americade Rally in Lake George.
They're expecting 50 to 60 thousand motorcycle riders this year. That must be quite a sight to see with people all over the world sharing their passion for riding.
As you might of read in Sijo's Bio, they had a near fatal motorcycle accident back in 1984.
As you might of read in Sijo's Bio, they had a near fatal motorcycle accident back in 1984.
For most people that would of been enough to sell the bike and never think of riding ever again.
I still remember getting the news, I was only 6 years old, and we were all playing outside having fun in the backyard while my grand-mother was babysitting us.
You have all these images flash through your mind and the thought of losing your parents is un-thinkable. It was like a bad dream.
You have all these images flash through your mind and the thought of losing your parents is un-thinkable. It was like a bad dream.
You ask yourself, Why me? Why us? Why did this happen? In the end you realize there is no why. You realize it's only a question of how much power you give it.
When I saw my parents leave on Wednesday it taught me an important lesson.
Do not let past experiences stop you from enjoying the things that make you happy or let them stop you from taking action on a goal or a dream for a second, third or even a fourth time.
"The past does not equal the future"
Even though I didn't have my own personal "Louse Time" today with Sijo this is what resonated with me when I woke up this morning.
Even though I didn't have my own personal "Louse Time" today with Sijo this is what resonated with me when I woke up this morning.
Sibok Martin
P.S Speaking of future, what's in yours? health, vitality, strength and serenity? Those qualities are the by products of the secret 500 year old training system I'll be releasing very shortly.
Stay tuned.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Emperor outlawed this practice
Can you imagine being a monk training in a secret internal art I've been
referring to over the past few weeks and being forced to abandon the temple where you train because an army is coming to destroy it and possibly kill you or throw you in a prison for practicing it?
That's what happened at the start of the Ming Dynasty. The new emperor decided to ban all martial art practice or face death or severe punishment.
referring to over the past few weeks and being forced to abandon the temple where you train because an army is coming to destroy it and possibly kill you or throw you in a prison for practicing it?

Most of the masters escaped from their monasteries and moved elsewhere training their art underground.
While the emperor's army was busy burning temples and destroying them, masters kept refining their martial art skill by first making sure this secret training I've been referring to was at the highest level.
It was of utmost importance to first strengthen the body by helping it move the chi through the bodies meridian points.
This training works on the chi but also on certain muscles, tendons, internal organs, bones and joints. In short, from deep inside the bone marrow to the outside skin cells.
At the advanced levels this training is also called "the iron vest" where as the practitioner becomes so strong and well protected that you can't be easily injured.
This is only part of the story. This weekend I'll tell you why this secret training system is unknown even within the chinese culture.
Until then,
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
P.S. Are you spending as much time as you should strengthening your chi flow and forging an impenetrable iron shell. These techniques are easy to learn and will give you the missing link in your training.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Biggest Martial Art School in Aylmer
Last Sunday was Aylmer Kung-Fu's Grand-Opening. Located at 117 Rue Front, (Riverview Plaza)
With it's 3000 square feet it is now the largest multi-discipline training center in Aylmer and surrounding areas.
To visit one of our schools and receive a FREE 30 day VIP Pass go here.
The curriculum includes Fang Shen Do Kung-Fu (The Patenaude Family System), Sanshou (Chinese Kick Boxing), & Therien's Jiu Jitsu & Kickboxing all under one roof.
The day started with words of wisdom from Kyoshi John Therien about what it takes to become successful in martial arts. He was there to support one of his students Sensei Tuttle which is in partnership with the school's owner Sifu Patrick Marcil.
23 time World Champion Jean-Yves Theriault was also present for the event since Kickboxing will be available at the Aylmer school where he will be offering workshops.
As always our founder Sijo Patenaude was there along with myself, Sifu Stephane, Sifu Silvain, Sifu Christine and the whole family to celebrate the event.
With each master taking some time to demonstrate their specialty from self-defense tactics to energy work, trapping hands and closing to chi sao, as well as weapon training, students got more than a handful during the weekend.
It was nice to see everyone at the same place, having fun, training and exchanging energy.
"There really is a family atmosphere here" noticed one of the students. It's the best way to learn I think when you know that your instructors are there to help you and care about your development but won't let you off the hook easily when you're not giving your personal best.
With each master taking some time to demonstrate their specialty from self-defense tactics to energy work, trapping hands and closing to chi sao, as well as weapon training, students got more than a handful during the weekend.
It was nice to see everyone at the same place, having fun, training and exchanging energy.
"There really is a family atmosphere here" noticed one of the students. It's the best way to learn I think when you know that your instructors are there to help you and care about your development but won't let you off the hook easily when you're not giving your personal best.
Sometimes the best friend is not always the one who agrees with you but instead, challenges what you think and forces you to do better than what you thought you could do or when you feel like quitting they'll say something to get you all fired up to not quit.
I think that's a sign of a good instructor.
I think that's a sign of a good instructor.
He's not there to give you false confidence, he knows where you are and what you need to do to get where you need to go.
We also have a strong focus on kids, they are the future. They need to learn basic skills like: Confidence, Character, Personal Protection, Goal Setting, Following Through, Nutrition and Physical fitness.
Whether you're a parent or adult contemplating if you should start one of our classes, the above skills should be sought after by everyone no matter what your age is.
We also have a strong focus on kids, they are the future. They need to learn basic skills like: Confidence, Character, Personal Protection, Goal Setting, Following Through, Nutrition and Physical fitness.
Whether you're a parent or adult contemplating if you should start one of our classes, the above skills should be sought after by everyone no matter what your age is.
To visit one of our schools and receive a FREE 30 day VIP Pass go here.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Increase Confidence and Determination
Saturday we held our annual Focus On Results Seminar at our Montreal Kung-Fu School.
For the past 12 years now, May has always been the month where students are asked to face fears and set goals without allowing negative thoughts or doubt stop them from accomplishing those goals.
The seminar arms you with tools you can use in your martial arts training but most importantly in your personal and professional life.
Any Fang Shen Do practitioner realizes they'll most frequently defend themselves against criticism, fear, insecurity, and lazyness than an actual street conflict.
In the end it's all about the feeling. That feeling that nothing can stop you once you DECIDE to move forward with a goal.

You impress your subconscious in such a way that any future challenges are met with less resistance. You believe in yourself and in your abilites. You have experience. You learn to trust yourself and your instincts. You acquire confidence and you realize, most often than not, that YOU are the one standing in your own way.
Each student is given a gift and it's up to them to use it.
You can get very motivated for a few days then fall back into your daily routine. The goal is to make a strong association between the Focus on Results seminar and any challenge.
Like Sijo mentioned at the seminar over the weekend: "Today's challenge is breaking the arrow, just because you break an arrow today doesn't mean you're done facing challenges. Life is a combat"
Whenever a new challenge presents itself, you breaking the arrow should flash in your mind. With that image locked in your mind's eye you move forward and decide how you'll go about picking that obstacle apart.
Aim Higher,
Sibok Martin
For the past 12 years now, May has always been the month where students are asked to face fears and set goals without allowing negative thoughts or doubt stop them from accomplishing those goals.
The seminar arms you with tools you can use in your martial arts training but most importantly in your personal and professional life.
Any Fang Shen Do practitioner realizes they'll most frequently defend themselves against criticism, fear, insecurity, and lazyness than an actual street conflict.
In the end it's all about the feeling. That feeling that nothing can stop you once you DECIDE to move forward with a goal.

You impress your subconscious in such a way that any future challenges are met with less resistance. You believe in yourself and in your abilites. You have experience. You learn to trust yourself and your instincts. You acquire confidence and you realize, most often than not, that YOU are the one standing in your own way.
Each student is given a gift and it's up to them to use it.
You can get very motivated for a few days then fall back into your daily routine. The goal is to make a strong association between the Focus on Results seminar and any challenge.
Like Sijo mentioned at the seminar over the weekend: "Today's challenge is breaking the arrow, just because you break an arrow today doesn't mean you're done facing challenges. Life is a combat"
Whenever a new challenge presents itself, you breaking the arrow should flash in your mind. With that image locked in your mind's eye you move forward and decide how you'll go about picking that obstacle apart.
Aim Higher,
Sibok Martin
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