As you might already know, last Thursday we held a Neigong training seminar with Raf (one of a few rare neigong teachers around) at the Ottawa location.
Apart from the language barrier once Raf started moving and showing the different exercises and positions, it was quite obvious that he knows something, the way he moved, his concentration as well as the energy he was projecting was felt by all.
Lots of feedback trickling in via e-mails and I thought I'd share a few with you.
Hi Sifu,
This was an excellent Seminar, as was the first one. We are very fortunate to have Raf here with us. By the end of today's seminar, I could feel a difference in strength even though I had a few problems with my prevailing shoulder injury. By the end of the seminar the pain of my injury was totally manageable. Along with my FSD training, my goal is to overcome this temporary limitation, while achieving overall strengthening, better health, and balance. I am more confident of being able to achieve these goals now, especially after this evening.
Not too long ago, before joining FSD, I was very sick. My prognosis was yet to be determined. I was scared, and needed to find a better healthier way to live. While I was recovering from a serious operation, a friend of mine was practicing FSD and invited me as a guest to watch.
I was in awe when I saw the intensity and enthusiasm of all of the students as they did their stations, and even more so when I saw the spectrum of ages of those taking the training, from the very young and beyond. In other words, age was not a factor.
The path I wanted to be on to better health became very clear to me, and soon after I was strong enough, I joined FSD, and have become more driven, and feel stronger with every class. I know that FSD will help me to be the best I can be, while making my body stronger to prevent the possibility of future illness.
It was a fantastic experience, and many need to know what they are missing.
I look forward to the next seminar, and will do my best to spread the word.
Today, I will start the 100 day challenge.
Thanks again Sifu, and all the best to Sijo and Linda.
Best Regards,
That's awesome. Invest in your training and make a point of attending a live training. I'll make sure to let you know the time and place.
Until then get started with "Foundation Development", the first chapter in this on-going series on Internal Work called Neigong.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
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