With summer upon us you should make every effort to take your training outside.
The fresh air.
The vitamin D from the sun (which studies show most people are deficient in)
Modern society has us driving to work, working inside and applying chemical filled sun lotions that block your bodies ability to absorb it.
Apart from the obvious health benefits of training outside I also enjoy the environmental challenge.
The uneven terrain will cause an off-set in your foot position for squats, or doing push-ups on a decline hill.
Jumping over picnic tables.
The variety of exercises you just can't do inside (unless you don't care destroying your floor) like throwing Kettlebells or heavy D-balls.
Sprinting uphill or downhill.
Doing my Neigong outside, I feel a connection with nature and the silence and tranquility helps me focus deep inside.
When training outside positive associations are made since most of your senses are over stimulated outside, making it easier to anchor good feelings with physical training.
Once these associations are in place you can use them at another time when you don't feel like training. One quick mental replay of those images you've anchored will surely change your mood.
Today was another great outdoor training day with the Bros.
Did you do yours?
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
P.S If you still don't know what Neigong is I strongly recommend you take the time to join us tomorrow night at the Ottawa headquarters, 6:00 pm. You'll enjoy training outside with this internal energy system.
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