What if YOU are that person?
Scientists recently studied the adverse effects of "being angry" on the body.
One of those tests was to measure the Ph level in your mouth once angry, and found it went through the roof during an outburst. High ph levels can damage your teeth, liver, even drain you of your energy, cause premature aging and the list goes on.
One of those tests was to measure the Ph level in your mouth once angry, and found it went through the roof during an outburst. High ph levels can damage your teeth, liver, even drain you of your energy, cause premature aging and the list goes on.
Martial Art Training for me is very therapeutic. Instead of keeping bad energy, stress and anger bottled up inside, you release it and use it constructively to positive ends by hitting Focus Gloves or Punching bags for example.
It also gives you a boost in your physical conditioning, you won't quit so easily when you think about what's bothering you and will give you extra fuel to burn.
What does this do?
Well, it leaves you feeling empty and full at the same time. Free from negative energies that drain you and filled with new positive energy which will leave you feeling relaxed, calm, and refreshed.
If you're not already training in one of our schools you can get started with our Basic Conditioning program. It will get you in the best shape of your life and will serve as an outlet for stress, something we all can't get away from these days.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
P.S. Some foods can also raise Ph levels (or acidity) in your body just like negative emotions can.
I'll cover that and other important training topics next time.
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