Well, what I'm gonna say today you probably already know.
Apparently there are alot of things we know but fail to act upon.
There are some things that we know kills us slowly but still, we engage in them.
Pretty stupid, eh?
Research after research confirms them, friends and family die from it, you feel it in your body, all the signs are there but still you ignore them.
Things like:
-Cutting out Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup from our diets.
-Not exercising daily.
-Shallow breathing
and the final blow: Drinking 8-10 glasses of Water a day.
The concept is simple. Want to protect your health? Drink more water.
Did you know your body is made up of 70 - 80 % water? Probably. But still most people will choose to chug down a nice tall glass of coke/pepsi/7 up/or better yet, a red bull or monster energy drink. Yummy!
-75% of North Americans are chronically dehydrated
- In 37% of North Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
-According to a recent University of Washington study, even mild dehydration will slow one's metabolism as much as 3 %.
-Lack of water is the # 1 cause of daytime fatigue.
-Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
-A 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory trouble with basic math and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.
-Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79% and you're also 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.
-The chances are very high that a source of water is within 30 feet of you and you're probably dehydrated without even knowing it.
You might be asking yourself: "What kind of water should I be drinking?"
We've been asking ourselves that question for a long time and finally we found the ideal water recovery drink for our students.
K.O Water Recovery Drink
Balancing Body ChemistryOur bodies have been endowed with "balanced body chemistry", which if properly maintained, provides us with a long, healthy life.
The more we stay in acid/alkaline balance, the healthier we are and the longer we live.
A healthy man, woman or child is in acid/alkaline balance, slightly in favor of alkalinity. If we are too acid, we are unhealthy. It is this simple! And if we get totally acid, we are dead.
Dr. George W. Crile, a great surgeon, said: "There is no such thing as natural death. All deaths from so called natural causes are merely the end point of progressive acid saturation"
Another consequence of over-acidity (meaning a Ph below 7.0) is the replacement of oxygen with sugar fermentation in the respiratory chemistry of normal cells, causing them to become damaged.
A German biochemist, Dr. Otto Warburg, discovered the cause of cancer in 1923, winning him the Nobel prize. In his book,
The Metabolism of Tumors, Dr. Warburg demonstrated that the primary cause of this relationship is the replacement of oxygen in the respiratory chemistry of normal cells by the fermentation of sugar.
He discovered that the growth of damaged cells is a fermentation process, which is initiated only in the relative absence of oxygen. Of course, alkalization restores the oxygen and stops the fermentation process.
Sugar and artificial sweeteners are a huge part of the North American diet and all (except Stevia) are acid and acid forming. No one can deny that sugar makes us fat, contributes to poor health and rushes the accumulation of acid and aging.
KO Water has a ph of 7.35 (the ideal alkaline range is 7.35 and 7.45), whereas most bottled waters are not only tap water (Aquafina and Dasani), they contain acidic water. Drink about 2 bottles of KO and increase your intake of alkaline fruits and vegetables for maximum health.
Another benefit of KO Water is it's filled with Electrolytes.
An electrolyte is basically a salt that can carry an electrical charge. The cells of the body rely on electrolytes to carry these electrical impulses responsible for muscle contraction and nerve impulses to other cells. Without these electrolytes, the body's cells could not communicate efficiently.
When training, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium are lost in the sweat along with other minerals such as iron in lesser amounts.
All of these minerals are found in KO Water.
We're proud to be the exclusive distributors of this water in Canada.
All of our schools provide this excellent recovery drink to our students. You can order a case for yourself
Master Yourself and act on what you know,
Sifu Martin