What kind of shadow would appear if light could cast your true self on the wall?
Would you see a shadow of a 10 foot giant towering from your relatively small frame revealing your level of tenacity and determination showing everyone around you that, like Mark Twain once said:
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
Would it reveal the true silhouette you wish you had, one of strength, health, and confidence?
or worse...
Would the shadow cast from a seemingly youthful man or woman that seems "together" physically and emotionally reveal them living on their knees when they should be experiencing life to the very fullest with no self-imposed limitations?
Maybe the shadow is unwavering, unflexible, unable to adapt, stuck in the past?
Someone else might see 2 shadows, the old you and the new you but fear is standing in your way, stopping you from implementing the necessary steps and habits to make the change "stick".
One's shadow might be drifting all over the place, jumping from one idea to the next, unable to see it through, to finish what you start.
What if there's no shadow?
Maybe you stand for nothing, maybe you haven't found your true self, maybe you're not contributing enough, maybe the vision you have for yourself isn't clear enough.
If you had to take one good hard look at your shadow, what would it reveal?
Only YOU can answer that one.
One thing I can do, is help you shape it though. I can cast some light on you (via these blog posts) but YOU have to stand up to see what shadow is cast by the light.
Start developing yourself from the inside out, start martial arts, or learn something new, find something of interest in our product section.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
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