Some of our top instructors just came back from Kingston where they had the opportunity to train some of the students at St-Lawrence College who are completing a 2 year Police Foundation Course so they can eventually apply to become Police Officers or Correctional Officers.
It's very important to us to get involved in these kinds of training sessions.
Knowing that anyone of these students might be faced in a position to defend their lives one day because of their work, it makes it even more important to teach the essential principles of self-defense and not confuse competition techniques with reality based techniques.
These are the people who will put the techniques to the test in the ultimate training grounds: the streets and the prisons.
What was taught is exactly what our regular civilian students learn in our schools.
-Your body is equipped with many weapons and you need to know how to use all of them.
-He who controls the distance wins the fight.
-Make being in top physical shape a priority since it might be the one thing that helps you survive a real confrontation and will give you great confidence knowing your body won't fail you when the going gets tough.
-Second priority is using what you got and making it work for you by striking all the targets that are illegal in competitions (i.e: eye gouging, groin attacks, direct knee attacks for disclocation, etc...), remember size doesn't matter as long as you're the one giving not receiving.
-Creating a Fearless mindset. It all starts with mastering your body, another reason why your Fitness Program should be intense and physically taxing.
-"He who hesitates his lost". Learn to react like an echo, this is achieved through consistent practice, removing the fear of getting hit and making sure you have a strong offense.
Randy Zabukovec runs the Police Foundation Course and was quite impressed with the schools training and life philosophies.
Randy mentioned how 8 other martial art schools had come in to train his students over the last 2 years and how Fang Shen Do was the most realistic approach he had seen to date. Believing that, from his experience running the program for so long, what we taught the students, was in perfect alignment with what the students need to know to complete their course and be ready to become officers.
Here Sifu Scott demonstrates a basic Wrench or Hammer Lock. A quick way to control an uncooperative assailant.
Knowing some basic human anatomy helps use pain as an ally when controlling somebody.
The right advice and the proper guidance makes you understand the concepts very quickly and once the technique is absorbed you never forget it.
Martial Arts is a skill everyone can and should acquire. Even if you're not planning on becoming an officer or prison guard, having a foundation in personal protection and basic body conditioning gives you an edge if ever you're faced with an attacker, forced to protect someone you love and defend against the deadliest of opponents: AGING.
Stay young and vibrant, keep your body in perfect working condition and enjoy the many health benefits of Stretching, Breathing, Meditating, Sensitivity Training, Motor Skill Development, and Resistance Training which all stem from an effective Martial Art Program.
Tomorrow's a big day for the FSD Organization, we're celebrating 30 years in Business and we're inviting you to attend a full days worth of seminars, training sessions, tournaments, Sanshou / Kickboxing matches, and other fun activities for both adults, families and kids.
To register visit this link or to get more information go to this page.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
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