I guess if you're not a parent this post might not interest you but... think again, I think you can find something of value here, read on.
Before she was born I saw myself teaching her everything I could about physical fitness, confidence, endurance, flexibility, creativity, and fostering the many qualitites of a martial artist in her.
As time went by, me and my spouse saw the positive influence implementing these qualities have had on her.
Being only 5 years old, she can already perform Pull-Ups from a dead hang as well as Chin-Ups, while holding her chin above the bar for close to a minute.
She can pump out 100 squats non-stop. 25 Nose to floor push-ups. Run 400m in under 3 minutes. Hold a hand stand. Hold a head stand. Bridge her body nose to floor with ease. And so on.
In my line of work I hear alot of excuses from grown men or women for the reasons they haven't started to make their health and fitness a number one priority, or the reasons they had to put it on hold, or the: "I would start if I wasn't so damn busy" crock.
If a kid can progress to a level of strength like I mentioned above, the same can be accomplished in your own training.
You just need to start and there really is no limit to how strong, flexible, confident, or self-determined you can be.
What really happpens between childhood and adulthood?
Where does the enthusiasm go to?
It's still there but I think it's misdirected into things that drain you of energy compared to being revitalized by them.
The best way to start recharging your batteries is by engaging in daily activity and following a proven system to get amazing results.
These strategies are the same I've used with my own kids to help build their level of fitness to where it is today.
Let's get started now.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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