Yesterday my daughter, like so many other 5 year olds, had a breakthrough.
You've all experienced it at different stages in your life.
You tried but failed.
You got hurt but still you persisted.
You felt fear but plunged ahead.
At some point you needed someone for guidance and when no one was there you trusted your own instincts.
Funny how, throughout the different stages of our life, different experiences and situations call for the same qualities you needed to apply to ride your bike all by yourself.
For a 5 year old, riding a bike is one of the scariest things you could ever do. But still we all end up riding one.
So why do some people end up being in the best shape of their life while others struggle in that department?
Why do some people seem to attract what they want effortlessly while others repel it?
The same can be said about relationships, careers, martial art skill, financial independence, happiness, being fulfilled, etc...
Whatever you want to accomplish, the potential is there. The seed of greatness, discipline and self-determination resides in all of us, it's your willingness to hop back on the bike even after you've fallen that will make the difference.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Learn how to harness the power that resides in you by attending our next Firewalk event held on October 25th at 7:00 pm. Sign up for it here.
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