Monday, February 22, 2010

Your Greatest Mission

We both have an important mission you and I.

Do you know what it is?

This quote pretty much sums it up:

"Men go forth to wonder at the heights of mountains, the huge waves of the sea, the broad flow of the rivers, the vast compass of the ocean, the courses of the stars, and they pass by THEMSELVES without wondering." ~ St-Augustine

Sunset along the beach

How amazing is it to be here, fully conscious, with the ability to create the reality we wish and experience life to the fullest.

Do you realize the amazing potential you have locked inside?

Your most important mission, responsibility, or job is developing, knowing and challenging...


I happen to like the martial art path because of the fighting spirit it instills in you and the self-discipline you need to stick with it.

Many paths can keep you on the path of self-mastery. Find yours and be dedicated to it.

How sad would it be to go through life and only realize when it's too late what you could of really accomplished if you only took the time to realize how special and lucky you are?

Just something to keep in mind and ponder about as you start your week off.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Something us men take for granted

As many of you know I live in a Japanese Style Pagoda which boasts a 3500 square foot training area which is also our studio for filming most of our training DVDs.

Every week on Wednesday I hear the crack of leather, deep breathing, feet shuffling around and women moaning and groaning to do one thing:

Have the body they've always dreamed of.

It's not easy to stay in shape. Look good after having had kids or drop unwanted pounds.

Something us men take for granted.

My sister, Sifu Christine has been drilling groups of ladies in our various schools to do just that.

To get women off their butt and working towards harnessing their inner strength.

In many ways women are stronger than us (yes I hate to admit it, but I couldn't see myself giving birth or handling the stresses of raising my kids on my own)

Some need to be reminded of this strength and what better way to do that than to start training.

She's designed a unique way of training to help women get started from where they are right now when it comes to their fitness level and get them ready for more intense workouts within the span of 5 weeks.

When she created these DVDs she had 3 areas she wanted to develop:

1. Pre-Natal Fitness.

Most women gain the most weight while pregnant and don't know where to get started after they've delivered their babies. In this DVD my sister is 9 months pregnant running through the steps she took and will take before and after the delivery.

2. Maintaining Fitness.

It's one thing to lose the weight but keeping it off is another story. These Workouts are designed to be very efficient, short, fat burning sessions. Even if your wife or girlfriend can't make it out to a live training, this DVD goes through the steps in great detail. Warrior Fitness can help drop up to 10 lbs in 5 weeks, it's that good.

3. Personal Protection.

Once you have the body and the confidence you're looking for, you want to protect what you got at all cost. Women's Self-Defense is a simple, effective "kick in the pants" to any would be attacker trying to put his hands on your wife or daughter.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in for the women in your life or you are a woman reading this and would like to get started send me an e-mail at if you have questions and I'll help get you started.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Monday, February 15, 2010

Forgot the Reward?

After a full year of hard work we all need a little bit of pampering and some sort or reward.

Just like my last day in China, after my intensive schedule (a 2 hour training every 4 hours, around the clock, day and night for 10 straight days) I paid myself a very unique kind of Chinese foot massage.

Chinese Foot Massage

With most of the training being mostly static, immoveable, standing positions, my feet were in need of some pampering.

After, walking outside felt like walking on sponges, I was relaxed but rejuvenated at the same time.

Which is exactly what you should do as well after you've maintained and "stuck with" a certain fitness routine or you've followed healthy eating habits or lost the desired weight.

You should celebrate with some sort of reward.

The biggest mistake people make is reach a goal and immediately set another one without rewarding yourself or taking the time to treat yourself to some sort of self-indulging activity.

It's during that reward time that you can reflect on how good you feel when you do what you've set out to do (exercise regularly, eat right, no smoking, reaching a certain rank in martial arts, etc...) and you can even smile and think about all the people who told you you couldn't do it or didn't believe in you.

Then when you return to maintaining and surpassing the goals you've set, you'll attack them with double the enthusiasm and determination while feeling refreshed and unstoppable.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

P.S. If tackling the world of Internal Martial Arts has been a goal of yours but failed to act on it, here's a great place to start.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Legalized Drug Pushers

One week today I was boarding a plane for a business trip with my dad and happened to be sitting next to a group of high level pharmaceutical owners and employees who were on their way to the same hotel we were staying in for their end of year celebration.

I was close enough to hear some of the comments being passed around.

There must of been at least 30 of them.

One lady sitting next to us engaged in small talk and made a comment that pretty much sums up how the pharmaceutical industry really feels about our well-being and health:

"I like it when people are depressed and sick, we make more money".

Keeping you sick and treating your symptoms instead of the root cause of an illness means big bucks for these legalized drug pushers.

In my head I told myself: "You'll never make a dime off my back".

I'm also of the opinion that your health is in your hands, it's hard to tell these days if your doctor really has your best health at heart. How do you feel about that? Me, I was happy to know that I'm not their best customer.

In fact if everyone went to the hospital like I do, well there wouldn't be any hospitals or pharmaceutical companies would turn a "loss" every single year (instead of billions off of your back) and if there were hospitals, they would be for the people who really needs them.

Get in the habit of researching stuff for yourself. When a prescription is given, usually 10 times out 10 there's a cheaper, natural way of treating it.

I just got courses called Nutrition and Healing from Dr. Jonathan V. Wright. Eye opening stuff.

I'll let you know some of my findings in the coming weeks.

I'm not saying you should never visit your doctor. I'm just saying don't be so quick to reach for an over the counter drug or pay for a prescription given just to increase Big Pharma profits to later hear them brag about how many suckers bought their products.

I'm sure some drugs are important and vital to keeping someone alive during an operation or things of that nature.

But that lady really sealed the deal for me.

I'm going to be very careful to take care of MY health and I encourage you to do the same.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Take the Stairs

Stairway to Success
Although this is good advice from a fitness point of view it's not what I mean.

When it comes to your personal development make sure you take the stairs, not the elevator.

Taking short cuts in this area is not recommended.

Sure the elevator is quick and effortless but nothing worth having and fighting for is acquired through its use.

The elevator to the top is, has been, and always will be "out of order" in my view. In order to get to the top in any endeavor you'll have to take the stairs.

And you'll have to take them one at a time. Luckily they are right in front of you and you know exactly how many stairs you need to climb to get to the top.

Then when you do reach the top you'll be armed with the right tools to stay on top.

You can choose to look up the steps or step up the stairs? Which one will it be?

When establishing a strong Martial Art Foundation, specifically in Fang Shen Do or whatever style you practice, the first step I would recommend is FSD's 10 secrets volume which also comes with 2 free bonuses.

An orientation DVD that furthers your understanding of the foundation and a goal setting tool we use to get you on track and focused when obstacles might get in your way.

Take the first step here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Are you aware this is happening?

After today's morning workout, I went through my standard ritual.

When doing this "thing", my thoughts are very clear and my level of self-awareness rises dramatically.

I'm talking about stretching and flexibility work.

You too have probably realized this fact:

Losing flexibility as we age is the rule, especially if you never stretch.

You make it worse if you sit at a desk all day. But some regular exercise and proper stretching can slow the decline.

Our ancestors never sat as long as we do. They were constantly on the move to hunt and survive.

We were never meant to have lower back pain, most blame nerve issues, muscle problems, a bad mattress or bending over to pick something up but the major cause of it is simply too much sitting.

Just think of the time you spend sitting down during your day?

No wonder it is estimated 90% of us will experience back pain at some point in our life. Tight hip flexors is a common cause of back pain due to over-sitting.

Making sure you complete hip circles as taught in the "Nadeau" technique or folding at the waist both front and back, and performing simple lunges are very easy ways to loosen up the hip flexors.

Flexibility training is a must to all martial artists and should be part of your daily routine.

Look here to get a peak at what we do in Fang Shen Do when it comes to getting your body limber and pain-free.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Only for the Elite Class?

Just got back from an amazing weekend with my dad and brothers in Punta Cana.

Although bathing in the sun was relaxing and energizing it couldn't compare to what we were exposed to, "Information Wise" over the weekend.

As you might already know, secret societies have existed for thousands of years.

There is one such society that is opening its doors to share with the world, information that was once kept only for the Elite Class.

What does this have to do with martial arts?

A martial artist is a warrior in every area of life, not just learning how to defend one's self or the ones you love but also protecting yourself from "Dream Stealers" and "Energy Leeches".

Losers talk about Action. Winners Act.

In anything you do it's important to surround yourself with like minded people. People that raise you up, not pull you down.

Keeping this information for ourselves would be wrong.

Which is why the first thing that came to mind today was sharing this with you.

Hang out where we hang out, you need to be referred though. Invitation only.

To access some of the info you'll need this affiliate code: 1508504

Visit this site only if you think you're worth more and think that in your life you feel like saying:

"I can do better than this!"

You can choose to become an affiliate (it's free) or become a full fledged member.

Enter here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M