Every week on Wednesday I hear the crack of leather, deep breathing, feet shuffling around and women moaning and groaning to do one thing:
Have the body they've always dreamed of.
It's not easy to stay in shape. Look good after having had kids or drop unwanted pounds.
Something us men take for granted.
My sister, Sifu Christine has been drilling groups of ladies in our various schools to do just that.
To get women off their butt and working towards harnessing their inner strength.
In many ways women are stronger than us (yes I hate to admit it, but I couldn't see myself giving birth or handling the stresses of raising my kids on my own)
Some need to be reminded of this strength and what better way to do that than to start training.
She's designed a unique way of training to help women get started from where they are right now when it comes to their fitness level and get them ready for more intense workouts within the span of 5 weeks.
When she created these DVDs she had 3 areas she wanted to develop:
1. Pre-Natal Fitness.
Most women gain the most weight while pregnant and don't know where to get started after they've delivered their babies. In this DVD my sister is 9 months pregnant running through the steps she took and will take before and after the delivery.
2. Maintaining Fitness.
It's one thing to lose the weight but keeping it off is another story. These Workouts are designed to be very efficient, short, fat burning sessions. Even if your wife or girlfriend can't make it out to a live training, this DVD goes through the steps in great detail. Warrior Fitness can help drop up to 10 lbs in 5 weeks, it's that good.
3. Personal Protection.
Once you have the body and the confidence you're looking for, you want to protect what you got at all cost. Women's Self-Defense is a simple, effective "kick in the pants" to any would be attacker trying to put his hands on your wife or daughter.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in for the women in your life or you are a woman reading this and would like to get started send me an e-mail at info@fangshendo.com if you have questions and I'll help get you started.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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