If you're new to my list of focused, motivated, self-starters, Welcome.
(if you're not new jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon. You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time!
The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course". Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson is: Repetition vs Modeling
These 2 methods will certainly get you to where you want to go.
You may need to do both.
But you don't have to.
One method leads you down a solemn road of trial and error, set-backs, frustration, pain, and hard work.
The other method, the superior method gets you the same results in half the time. All you have to do is follow the plan and whatever you're looking for is within your grasp.
Results come quickly and makes you wonder why you didn't follow this method in the first place.
You've guessed it.
Modeling is the preferred method for accelerated learning. Certainly, the old saying of:
"Repetition is the mother of skill" holds some merit but modeling someone who already has what you want and in turn mimicking exactly what they did to get it is a guaranteed winner.
This weekend you'll have the opportunity to do just that.
All of our school owners, Sifus and students are converging in Casselman this Saturday morning at 10:30 am for a day of training and advanced learning.
This event is open to all FSD Students and non students alike.
Why should you attend?
We try to organize these kinds of events as many times as possible throughout the year but still, it's not enough.
Very seldomly will you have all of FSD's Top instructors, not to mention our Founder Sijo Jacques Patenaude all present in the same venue to help you advance your skills in Weapons, Grappling, Energy Work, Trapping Hands, Conditioning and Athleticism, Sanshou Sparring Drills and the list goes on.
Priced at 30$, it's a no-brainer.
To reserve your spot and register click here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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