Sunday, November 4, 2007

If You Need to Attack, You Must Know How to Close

Without "Closing" ability you're like a Formula One Race Car capable of extreme speeds but you don't have any tires to ride on.

No matter which martial art you practice, once you've learned techniques, you have to land them in order for them to do their intended job.

If you can't reach your opponent, everything you've learned is pretty much useless. That's where Closing comes in.

These techniques are designed to help you build greater confidence and allow you to fully engage the opponent. It's almost as if closing gets your foot in the door. Once it's in, you have a greater chance of entering.

As long as there's a "Gap" between the two of you, you're both wasting time.

You'll learn ways to use your full body weight behind your offense and hide your physical intention to attack.

One thing that is crucial is the emotional ignition, you have to turn yourself on and never second guess yourself.

Closing has to be one of the most important elements of any martial art system, it's unfortunate that so many never get to experience it. Don't miss out, master this skill today.

Sibok Martin

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