Friday, August 15, 2008

2008 Training Camp Memories

Here are a few pictures from our Training Camp.

If you attended I'm sure these will give you some feel good flash-backs.

If you didn't attend, make sure to be there next year.


Sibok Martin

Sijo, founder of Fang Shen Do

A 3-day experience you'll never forget

Partner Drills for Reaction Speed

A day on the spider wall

Team drills for stability and balance

Strategies and tactics to throw your partner off balance

In depth sessions about meditation, life and happiness

Multiple Attackers

Goal Setting and Determination

Road Work

Sparring Drills

Cage Drills

Weapon Defense

Locking, Controlling, Submitting the opponent

Physical Fitness, a commitment for life

55 Obstacles in the trees for speed, balance and facing fear of heights

Unarmed combat

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