Saturday, December 6, 2008

Our last event of the year

I'd like to take this time to thank all the students who participated in our events this year, such as seminars, tournaments, and camps. These would not be possible without you.

Tonight is our annual Christmas Get-Together held in Montreal, it is sold out and students can look forward to good company, good conversation, a chance to share in the celebrations of a wonderful year passed as we watch video highlights of this year's events and get a sneak peek at what we have planned for next year.

This year was awesome but the breakthroughs we had this year will pale in comparison to what we have lined up next year.

It is the perfect time to be a student of FSD and we're going all out next year, as you might have realized, next year marks 30 years in Business, it's been an exciting ride but all of us at FSD headquarters are ready to take on another 30 years at the drop of a hat, there's so much still to do, so many people to help, new students to train and black belts to be given, we still feel like we've barely scratched the surface.

My gift to you

Keep your focus on mastering yourselves, aiming higher, and I assure you the best is yet to come, here's a gift from me to you, when you purchase any product at check out, enter: gift in the coupon code box and get an instant 10% discount on me.

Thank You for your Support,

Sifu Martin

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