Thursday, December 17, 2009

Key component to feeling massive amounts of...

Even though I didn't have a chance to meet Bruce Lee in person while he was alive, through Bob Wall I feel like I have.

Going through more pictures yesterday from Bob Wall's visit to Canada back in May as well as my time spent with him in July in Los Angeles brought back memories and some important lessons he shared with me.

Bob Wall Sijo Jacques Patenaude Sibok Martin Patenaude Sifu Alain Garofalo

I happened to interview him in early January of this year and should make it available very soon.

Having such close ties to a man who trained and maintained one of the longest friendships with Bruce Lee is pretty cool indeed, considering not even a handful of people teaching Lee's art today can attest to that.

What was also cool was asking him advice on one of my "Louse Time" Blog Posts that I usually do on Fridays while he was here in May. As you might already know, "Louse Time" originated from the hit movie Enter the Dragon which starred Bob Wall (Ohara) opposite Bruce Lee.

The whole idea of Louse Time is to listen and forget what you think you know.

Always resorting back to a beginner's mind has served me well in my training and I hope you do the same.

To remain "Teachable" at every stage of your training and in life in general is a key component to feeling massive amounts of joy, motivation, and creativity.

Some people find this out later in life, asking themselves: "Why didn't I listen more, do more, or take more chances?"

Avoid these feelings of regret.

Be teachable.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

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