Monday, August 30, 2010

Keep the Edge

Time flies when you're having fun, right?

Summer has passed, kids are back to school and Training Camp is but a long lost memory.

Unless of course you get to see more pictures to help joggle your memory!

Even if you didn't attend there's a powerful lesson I'd like to share with you today.

2010 is almost a wrap and the dreaded Winter Season is soon upon us.

I say "dreaded" because most people pack on a layer or two of fat during the winter months and I think most people want to avoid that this year.

The powerful lesson I want you to get in the habit of following is creating and re-visiting Visual Triggers.

Most Pictures we take are when we are happy, yes?

Pretty rare that we think of taking a picture when we're at a low point in our life.

Can you imagine that? An album loaded with the worst moments of your life? No thanks.

What I'm getting at is you're going to have ups and downs in your training, that's totally normal.

But if you surround yourself with Visual Triggers that get you excited and motivated to train they'll happen less and to a lesser degree.

Pictures on your Walls, Albums, Goal Books, Dream Boards, Clothes, Music.

If you look for them they're all around you, use them and keep the edge in the coming months so you're ready to take on the new year and double your efforts to get what you want out of life.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Everyone is on Steroids?

Recently I was talking with Sifu Alain and he brought up a television show he had seen recently that was showcasing a problem of epidemic proportions.

And it doesn't involve the typical Body Builder anymore, musicians and students are taking them as well.

You guessed it, I'm talking about Steroids.

The show is called Bigger Stronger Faster.

And it's amazing to see what people are willing to do to be number one in their field.

What was equaling amazing was how steroids, I mean "performance enhancers" (as they are called now) were accepted in some fields and rejected in others.

It's wrong for Marion Jones and Barry Bonds to take them but the musician that takes Beta Blockers to get rid of the edge before his performance is okay?

Even College and University students are exposed to performance enhancing drugs which resembles Ritalin and are passed around like there's nothing to it in schools?

What the hell is wrong with our society?

We live in a world of instant gratification that's what. Nobody wants to do the work any more.

If so many young adults are consuming these drugs now what kind of repercussions can we expect when they're older?

What kind of health issues will be encountered?

This dependence on drugs transcends in all other areas as well. This need to find a quick fix for just about any ailment you could encounter when the root cause is totally ignored is not the way to go in my book.

Your body is constantly giving you feedback, why ignore it and mask the symptoms with drugs?

In almost all cases, a safe natural approach can be used to treat many problems.

Why should we continue to fill the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies who only care about filling their coffers and purposely lobbying against safer, alternative, natural medicines?

Next time you want to pop a pill for something ask yourself: "Do I really need to take this?", "How about I start by Hydrating myself properly throughout the day and exercising?". Look at what you eat and inhale on a daily basis and see if that could be the cause of some of your problems.

Lots of problems are related to circulation problems and without a doubt the Neigong Training (Internal Work) we do in our schools helps in that area.

The way you feel after your Neigong workout truly needs to be felt to be appreciated. It arms you with the feeling that: "Hey, I can take care of myself, and doing these exercises guarantees I'm putting all the chances on my side to stay healthy, strong and vibrant."

I strongly recommend it. Get it here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Friday, August 13, 2010

An Unforgettable Weekend

Last weekend was our Annual Fang Shen Do Training Camp and I have to say, the energy of the group was awesome.

I can't possibly upload all the pics I have from that weekend but I'll start with these ones and check back often for more.

Making sure YOU have a great experience is at the top of the priority list.

We expect nothing but the best from our participants and in turn we also make sure to plan, organize and construct the best possible camp with an emphasis on constant and never ending improvement every year so that students are pleasantly surprised when they return a second or third time.

Whether you're here for the first time or you're a returning student, drills and activities are already planned in advance to make sure everyone feels challenged and learning something new.

"Lean on me, and when you're not strong and I'll be your..." like the popular song goes, everyone at camp is supportive and ready to cheer you on whether you're tackling a fear of heights, fatigue or you're just not quite sure of yourself, everyone pulls together and feeds off each other's energy to make it happen.

The struggle often doesn't lie against somebody else but against yourself. When you walk out of camp, you walk out a different person with new found energy, more awareness about what you really want out of life and a renewed sense that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Obstacles we face in life and limiting beliefs start in the mind.

Powerful metaphors for success are ingrained at camp.

The skills required to make it through most training obstacles are the same you require in daily life.

No hesitation. Trust in your instincts and skills. Starting with the end in mind in everything you do. There's nothing you can't do with a little repetition and experience.

Oh, and a little INTENSITY.

With these qualities combined you'll go a long way.

There really is no limit to what you can accomplish.

When talking about goals and aspirations keep this quote in mind:

"Go as far as you can see and when you get there, You'll see further."

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

P.S. I'm already pumped up for next year! Will you be there?

More pictures coming soon.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bo Staff and Sword Seminar

Every July, our annual Bo Staff and Sword Seminar takes place, finally today I was able to upload some pictures and more information on that particular seminar.

Bo Staff Techniques Fang Shen Do

2 of my favorite weapons (makes me wonder: "Do I even have a favorite weapon?", I think not!)

Full Contact Bo Sparring

What I like the most about weapons is the level of awareness you must have.

Sword Drills for Sensitivity

It really forces you to pay attention and teach your body new ways to move and this is backed up by some serious collateral for precision: Pain

One false move and you get whacked by your weapon.

Doesn't take long that you're moving it correctly!

Luckily everything we teach is on film and ready to be viewed by the touch of a button which will save you time and a few bruises going at it alone.

Everything you need to know to lay a strong foundation with the Bo Staff can be found here
Bo Staff DVD.

And if the Sword is what you prefer you can find more information on it here Sword DVD.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

Friday, August 6, 2010

Couple of Announcements

We're hours away from our annual Training Camp.

If you are attending I guarantee we have one hell of a weekend planned out for you.

If you're not, make sure to mark your calendar for next year. Our camp always falls on the first or second weekend of August within the 5th to 9th.

You can't imagine the kind of facility we have here. This year I'm going to try (yes I will try) to release snippets of the camp on Youtube as we progress through it. No guarantees of course because it's kinda hectic here but chances are I'll pull through. So look for Updates via Twitter and Youtube and please sign up to the FSD Youtube Channel to get instant alerts.

The second thing I want to mention is our website.

Our NEW website. You might of seen it already. I'd love to hear what you think via e-mail. Find me in the contact section or Montreal school section for my e-mail.

Lots of work went into it and lots more videos and cool things coming your way from FSD Central.

Enjoy the new site (with lots of interesting content) and I'll look for your feedback.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M