Friday, August 6, 2010

Couple of Announcements

We're hours away from our annual Training Camp.

If you are attending I guarantee we have one hell of a weekend planned out for you.

If you're not, make sure to mark your calendar for next year. Our camp always falls on the first or second weekend of August within the 5th to 9th.

You can't imagine the kind of facility we have here. This year I'm going to try (yes I will try) to release snippets of the camp on Youtube as we progress through it. No guarantees of course because it's kinda hectic here but chances are I'll pull through. So look for Updates via Twitter and Youtube and please sign up to the FSD Youtube Channel to get instant alerts.

The second thing I want to mention is our website.

Our NEW website. You might of seen it already. I'd love to hear what you think via e-mail. Find me in the contact section or Montreal school section for my e-mail.

Lots of work went into it and lots more videos and cool things coming your way from FSD Central.

Enjoy the new site (with lots of interesting content) and I'll look for your feedback.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

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