There we go again.
Taking what we have and improving it. Never being satisfied or complacent. I think there's a great lesson to be learned here.
You must become a student of this philosophy and mind set, it is:
Constant and Never Ending Improvement or what the Japanese call: Kaizen.
Adopt this mentality in everything you do.
In your physical training, your relationships, at work or in your business, with your family and in the martial arts.
Learn from mistakes, make corrections, Ask yourself: "How can I do this better?", Aim for the stars and chances are you'll hit the moon or lower your expectations and aim for a bird, you'll surely hit a measly post.
"Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing"- Albert Schweitzer
It's one thing to say something and it's another to actually do it.
Look at every area of your life and find something you can improve on.
Becoming too comfortable in any one area leads to stagnation, over-confidence, lack of creativity, loss of drive, and lets not forget "Boredom".
As my dad would say: "Life is either an exhilaration or a burden"
Making everything you do an exhilaration guarantees you'll feel happy and excited, it will leave you feeling strong, active and alive.
One key to exhilaration is learning. Be a life long learner.
Take our book for example. It's filled with 10 foundational elements to laying down a strong martial art foundation. Pick up a copy today.
Aim Higher,
Sibok Martin
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