We all know the importance of movement and independence.
Or do we?
Until we have it taken away from us, that is.
I was reading an article about this trainer that works with older clients (70+) and how some of them break down in tears when they start their training program. Saying how they wished they had started when they were younger.
They weren't crying because they can't DO the training (you can start at any age) , they're crying because of all that time lost.
What kind of results could they have gotten if they had just STARTED. Imagine you were them. How much stronger would you be? Would you have the same health issues? Would you be more aware and in control of your body?
That feeling of regret is a heavy burden to carry around.
I don't want any part in that.
I want you to be as committed as I am to making fitness & flexibility a life long commitment.
For some maybe it's different, you STARTED when you were younger and slowly you lost the fitness and health habit over the years to a point where you did less and less, to not doing anything for years and years.
Out of the people who did train seriously at one point will tell you those were some of the best days of their lives.
So why did they stop?
Everyone has a reason. A story to justify why they stopped training. It's not important.
Everyone falls off the horse at some point, you just need to get back on the saddle.
Will you look back and think of what YOU could have done and accomplished with your body but didn't and secretly wished you did?
I hope not.
Join me and thousands of others who are reaping the major benefits of short intense workouts as outlined in our strength training kits. Pick yours up today.
No regrets,
Sibok Martin
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