Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon. You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time!
The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course". Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
But this Friday is different.
Ever since I started "Louse Time" on Fridays I've been getting positive feedback from alot of you and who would of thought I'd be doing a Louse Time session with the co-star of Enter the Dragon, Bob Wall (aka Ohara) one day.
After completing my morning workout with my dad and O'hara, I mean Bob, here are some lessons you might be interested in hearing about.
Bruce always related his martial art training to life. Kinda like what we've been doing for the past 35 years. This is the ultimate goal of martial arts, to use it as a tool to improve yourself in all areas of your life.
The martial arts are filled with knuckle heads who are caught in styles and who's better than who. Many were around then and double that number today.
Bruce's whole philosophy was: "Don't get Hung Up in the Way".
Look at comments on You Tube related Martial arts topics and you'll find a boat load of people arguing that their style is better than others, especially when it comes to Jiu-Jitsu.
Not one of the top guys in Wrestling or Jiu-Jitsu engage in that kind of discussion. They're all ready and open to learn from anybody.
It seems to be a trend among us human beings to compare ourselves.
Who has the best religion.
My god is better than your god.
My house is bigger than your house.
My kids are smarter than your kids.
Bruce had many challenges when it came to his ethnicity, it wasn't easy to be chinese back in the 60's. The chinese also resented him for teaching caucasians kung-fu. Same thing for African Americans, that's why his first student was black, to prove to everyone he wasn't going to follow the norm.
Coming back to his philosophy: "Don't get Hung up in the Way"
There are many ways to interpret and learn a lesson from it as well as apply it to your own life.
In our Neigong Training we focus on un-blocking the meridians of the body but using Bruce Lee's philosophy it also means to un-block certain ways of thinking, to expand your view and seek out better ways of getting in shape, or making money, attracting better quality friends, designing the life of your dreams, and constantly looking at the results you're getting and liking what you get.
Listening to Bob share his views and experiences and hearing him rave about our FSD training, getting actual, factual feedback from a man who's seen them all, managed the best fighters in the world is priceless. I usually dismiss internet blabber from on-line, couch potatoe black belts hiding behind computer screens but when a man like Bob gives us a compliment, I listen.
I always wanted to meet Bruce Lee, now through Bob I feel like I have. Being endorsed by Bob Wall is the beginning of a great relationship and all FSD Students will benefit greatly from his wisdom and experience.
Do like Bruce Lee, refuse to follow, blaze your own trail, and act on what your heart tells you to do.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
P.S. Speaking of blazing a trail, we'll be blazing one this Sunday, one that you'll have to walk accross to get to the other side with new found determination and focus. Join us by springing on over to this link.
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