Bob Wall authored the first "Who's Who in the Martial Arts" back in 1975. A sort of reference to martial art styles and instructors who've made an impact in the martial arts world.
You'll find names like: Bruce Lee, Fumio Demura, Dan Inosanto, Chuck Norris, Bill Wallace, Joe Lewis, Gene LeBell, Al Dacascos, Jackie Chan, Cung Le, Benny Urquidez, Jean-Claude Van Damme and our very own Sijo Jacques Patenaude on page 282.
Bob has met thousands of instructors, has studied with many masters, whenever he speaks or gives his opinion about something martial art or business related, I listen.
Every industry has a person that has "been there, done that", someone that has lots of experience and is able to offer the right advice along with valuable feedback.
It's the same as being complimented by Tiger Woods on your golf swing or Sidney Crosby praising your slapshot or Robert Deniro celebrating your performance on the screen.
You know that their feedback is real, unbiased and worth something.
That's what my father got when they happened to teach a seminar together in Germany last year.
After that many years studying martial arts, one can tell a person's skill just by looking at them move, speak, or demonstrate.
Bob was impressed with my father's accomplishments considering the lack of support from his first instructor proving once again that you are responsible for the kind of life you want to create for yourself.
Turning 70 this year, he speaks and moves like a 30 year old. He is living proof of what leading a martial art lifestyle can do for your health, strength and youthful demeanor.
I don't THINK martial arts can give you an edge in life, I KNOW it does.
The coming weeks are loaded with opportunities to get to meet Bob in person as he is touring our schools and offering seminars on the subjects of Bruce Lee, what he learned from him during their 10 years working together before his untimely death, his work with the Machados, Gene LeBell and Chuck Norris.
We're honored to have him in our schools as we know he is extremely busy with his Real Estate business, a self-made millionaire and very picky as to where he chooses to invest his time.
Invest your time wisely also these coming weeks, here's a list of the seminar schedule:
May 9 th Montreal 2:00 pm
May 13 th Kanata 7:00 pm
May 14 th Gatineau 7:00 pm
May 15 th Laval 7:00 pm
May 16 th Ottawa 11:30 am
May 18 th Toronto 7:00 pm
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