Thursday, May 28, 2009

What to do with all that Power?

For the past couple of days I've been talking about striking power and where most people fail to adequately develop the abdominals and legs for strength.

Once you have power, you have to know what to do with it and know how to use it.

This next step is fairly simple and easy to develop IF you have the right instruction.

When I have a chance to work one on one with a student, simple tweaks to this particular aspect of striking power translates into immediate results, literally doubling their power on the spot.

There's so much power residing inside you, you just need to unlock it.

Sometimes no extra energy is required to strike harder.

Often times less energy is wasted when this piece of the puzzle is finally understood.

You need to get clear and become effective with...


We're pretty much all equipped the same way, why then is there such a difference in striking power from one person to another?


Specifically, Body Awareness.

Learning to use your body correctly requires what we call in FSD, a bit of kinesthetic training (learning by doing) and modeling (learning by watching).

If you model exactly and you repeat the guidelines we teach in our Striking Series there's no reason why you can't move and generate the same kind of striking power.

It's definitely the best alternative to going at it alone, it will save you time and frustration, as well as give you major confidence knowing the kind of power you can generate if you ever needed to protect yourself.

Start modeling now.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

P.S. Once Body Mechanics is in place you need to get to work on this next element which I'll cover shortly. Stay Tuned.

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