Recently, I had a chance to work with Jason C. Brown from Kettlebell Athletics along with my youngest brother Sifu Silvain.
Jason always gives out what he calls the Golden Kettlebell Award to one participant during his certifications, an honor I humbly accepted.
Just goes to show how far a principle can go.
Like you've read on my blog before, here at FSD we believe in integrating principles.
Techniques change all the time but principles are universal and never change.
One of the principles I'm talking about is moving naturally. Listen to your body and follow what feels right.
The criteria for the award was skill, character and my ability to modify, experiment and test different approaches to using the KBs.
We actually created a new move called the French Get-Up (I'll post the video as soon as possible). All in all I can say practicing martial arts and especially a solid system like Fang Shen Do really does give you an edge in any other types of training or sports when it comes to flexibility, balance, coordination and having the right mental attitude.
Jason's Hybrid Kettlebell System is much like our Martial Art. Always evolving, learning and finding better ways to train our students. Not being afraid to venture out and do the opposite of what other martial art schools do and refuse to jump in the same boat and become carbon copies of one another.
So that one principle my father always talked about paid off last weekend and earned me the golden KB Award. Cool.
If you're still not training in one of our schools I ask you: "Let's get started!"
Choose a location near you here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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