"If you want to learn to swim you have to jump in the water, no one swims on dry land!"

Learning to move the stick has many hidden benefits that translate well to other areas of your martial art training.
Testing what you know is inevitable and doing it Full Contact Style purges your memory bank.

In a matter of seconds you have no choice but to use what works and discard (purge) what doesn't.
Doing this on a regular basis definitely gives you an edge and allows you to move and flow naturally without feeling held back.
The idea is to keep flowing, attacking and letting no fear stop you.
You can do this the hard way with stick fighting and a few bruises or you can do it the soft easy way...
Join us tomorrow in Montreal for an experience you'll never forget.
After you're through with the seminar, you'll never let anything stop you ever again whether it's fear, confidence issues, uncertainty, lack of vision, or failure to follow through.
Join Sijo (our founder), myself and a huge group of people this Saturday and permanently turn fear into power.
*Warning* This session is dynamic, highly motivating and carries a high risk of permanent behavior change to get you to dream big, accept nothing less than the best and attract everything you really want out of life.
We call it Focus on Results and it's happening at 3 pm tomorrow at my St-Denis School.
You can register here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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