Think about it.
No wonder most people never really step out of their comfort zones, we've been trained since we're young to stay in the box.
There are boxes all around us.
In the morning you get up from your box bed, step out of your box house or box apartment into a box automobile or subway box car.
Then step into the box elevator and into your box office or box classroom.
Stare at the box screen in front of you, out from one box and into another throughout the day and some throughout their life and eventually straight into a box coffin where you stay eternally.
Some don't live in physical boxes, they live in mental ones in the form of never learning a new skill, being complacent, never taking a chance, or being reactive to life instead of being proactive and designing the kind of life you want for yourself or your family.
Human Beings aren't made to stay in boxes. We're not made to be categorized, labeled, stamped and left to suffocate between 4 walls. Yet, it does feel like that sometimes.
And it isn't different for us. People always try to categorize or put us in a box when it comes to what we do in the martial arts.
Some might say: "Oh, you use your hands and feet a lot you're a stand up art","You do weapons so you must be a Kali man", or "You do a lot of close quarter infiltration techniques, you do Wing Chun right?" and on and on it has been for years.
Being labeled to me is like a prison sentence. A trap from which I cannot escape.
I prefer to keep my freedom and set no boundaries for myself or my family's art. Free to express ourselves in all areas of the martial arts without restriction.
Which brings me to the purpose of my e-mail today.
A lot of people think we don't grapple or do ground work (Here we go with that box thing again). Big mistake.
I've always enjoyed Wrestling and have fond memories of Wrestling my dad along with my brother on the living room floor when we were kids, a tradition I've kept with my own kids and I'm sure some of you did the same with your father when you were a child.
On June 5th we're holding our Fang Shen Do Fight Camp right here in Casselman, Ontario at the Pagoda. Featuring Advanced Sanshou (Chinese Kickboxing), Ring Craft and Conditioning and special guest, Gokor "The Armenian Assassin" Chivichyan. Which I believe is one of the best grapplers in the world today.
His expertise and teaching prowess is unmatched on the ground and he follows the same idea of not getting stuck in a box when it comes to grappling styles. That's the kind of guy we wanted for our grappling division. Not limited to one art but being influenced by many, including but not limited to: Sambo, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu and Catch Wrestling.
An event not to be missed. Start time is 10 am Saturday morning and runs until 3 pm in the afternoon.
FSD Members can register here.
Non-Members are welcome to attend if spaces are still available. You can pre-register here to reserve your spot and will be refunded if event is sold out.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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