Like I was mentioning last week, one of the first ingredients you should focus on as a martial artist is...
Armed with speed you'll be well on your way to keeping an edge over your training partners or fellow competitors.
But speed alone isn't the only attribute you should be looking to acquire.
One key focus area that is often neglected is...
Intensity is the work ethic you bring to the table when you train. You need to acquire this key focus area.
Once you have Intensity there is absolutely no way you're ever going to give up when the going gets tough. And I'm not just talking about "in the Dojo". With Intensity you can tackle any challenge that presents itself in your life and it also gives you that drive to accomplish your goals and dreams.
But it starts by learning the basics of how to harness your Intensity. You have this capacity locked inside you. You just need to know how to unleash it.
This principle is first developed within our Fitness Program.
You'll be quickly introduced to the concept and you'll instantly understand why training the way we do leads to higher Intensity levels.
Even after your first workout you'll understand where this training can take you.
Let's get to work on this second key focus area.
Here's where to start: Basic Station Training Kit
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Strong Finish
Here we are approaching the final quarter of the year.
This is where it counts the most. Don't you agree?
Just like the last leg of a race, the last inning, or the last round in a MMA match, you gotta give it one last push to come out on top and make 2010 a year you can be proud of.
I want you to look back on 2010 and see a year of change where better choices were made about the food you ate, the fitness program you were able to stick with, personal challenges you were able to care of, and a feeling of being that much closer to realizing some of the dreams you have.
For some, the internal flame that was lit in January concerning goals and resolutions might be slowly dwindling but not if I can have anything to say about it!...
In order to give you one last shot of motivation before we call this year a wrap, we're holding one last Firewalking event this year.
It will fill you with enough energy and enthusiasm to finish the year strong and help carry you over to 2011 where even more good things will happen to you if you keep challenging yourself and surrounding yourself with like minded people that want the very best for themselves and their families.
An event not to be missed right here at the Pagoda, October 3 rd at 6 pm.
To register follow this link.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
This is where it counts the most. Don't you agree?
Just like the last leg of a race, the last inning, or the last round in a MMA match, you gotta give it one last push to come out on top and make 2010 a year you can be proud of.
I want you to look back on 2010 and see a year of change where better choices were made about the food you ate, the fitness program you were able to stick with, personal challenges you were able to care of, and a feeling of being that much closer to realizing some of the dreams you have.
For some, the internal flame that was lit in January concerning goals and resolutions might be slowly dwindling but not if I can have anything to say about it!...
In order to give you one last shot of motivation before we call this year a wrap, we're holding one last Firewalking event this year.
It will fill you with enough energy and enthusiasm to finish the year strong and help carry you over to 2011 where even more good things will happen to you if you keep challenging yourself and surrounding yourself with like minded people that want the very best for themselves and their families.
An event not to be missed right here at the Pagoda, October 3 rd at 6 pm.
To register follow this link.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Monday, September 20, 2010
Single Focus Part 1
During the life of a martial artist you find yourself concerned with only a handful of areas of development that need to be tended to.
A single focus on these key areas will yield great results and they should constantly be on your mind.
Yes you will learn many different techniques but once you've set a system to progressively improve in those core areas "You'll be all set".
One of your Key Focus areas should be SPEED.
Could you benefit from a little more speed in your martial art training?
Speed translates into:
Slow is Fast.
This is just one of the principles you're going to learn in our SPEED DVD Series "How to become blindingly fast...regardless of your current speed"
It's an absolute must if you're going to compete or engage in any kind of tournament and speed is of utmost importance when your personal safety is on the line.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. But Speed is only part of the equation. It's the first ingredient so to speak to becoming a proficient martial artist. Get it here and look for Part 2 of this series coming at you very shortly.
A single focus on these key areas will yield great results and they should constantly be on your mind.
Yes you will learn many different techniques but once you've set a system to progressively improve in those core areas "You'll be all set".
One of your Key Focus areas should be SPEED.
Could you benefit from a little more speed in your martial art training?
Speed translates into:
- Better timing
- Reaching your intended target
- Cutting down hesitation time and simply responding
- Better perception (visual, auditory and tactile sensitivity)
- Shocking organs upon impact for maximum efficiency
- A healthy nervous system
- and much more....
Slow is Fast.
This is just one of the principles you're going to learn in our SPEED DVD Series "How to become blindingly fast...regardless of your current speed"
It's an absolute must if you're going to compete or engage in any kind of tournament and speed is of utmost importance when your personal safety is on the line.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. But Speed is only part of the equation. It's the first ingredient so to speak to becoming a proficient martial artist. Get it here and look for Part 2 of this series coming at you very shortly.
Friday, September 17, 2010
You're Invited!
If you happen to live in the Ottawa Area we've got something special for you tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the Grand-Opening of our newly renovated, state of the art facility we've just recently moved to.
And we'd like you to be part of the celebration.
Whether you're an active, inactive or past student we'd love to see you train with us during the day.
It's happening tomorrow at 270 Catherine St. with classes running all day starting at 11 am.
All subjects will be covered from Sanshou, Street Self-Defense, Grappling, Weapons and Conditioning for Health & Fitness.
You'll have a chance to learn sparring drills inside our UFC Octagon, listen to percussionist group MALOUKAI and watch demos which all ties in with our 31st Anniversary Celebration.
We know you'll be starved by the end of the day so we'll have the BBQ grilling away until your hunger is satisfied.
Get ready for some fun times with students from all around the Ottawa Valley. For sure, a day you won't want to miss!
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. New Product Alert! The finishing touches on this product are almost complete I'll be making the announcement very shortly on what and how you can get it.
Tomorrow is the Grand-Opening of our newly renovated, state of the art facility we've just recently moved to.
And we'd like you to be part of the celebration.
Whether you're an active, inactive or past student we'd love to see you train with us during the day.
It's happening tomorrow at 270 Catherine St. with classes running all day starting at 11 am.
All subjects will be covered from Sanshou, Street Self-Defense, Grappling, Weapons and Conditioning for Health & Fitness.
You'll have a chance to learn sparring drills inside our UFC Octagon, listen to percussionist group MALOUKAI and watch demos which all ties in with our 31st Anniversary Celebration.
We know you'll be starved by the end of the day so we'll have the BBQ grilling away until your hunger is satisfied.
Get ready for some fun times with students from all around the Ottawa Valley. For sure, a day you won't want to miss!
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. New Product Alert! The finishing touches on this product are almost complete I'll be making the announcement very shortly on what and how you can get it.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Fight Night Highlights
If you're interested in seeing some of the Fight Highlights from our Fight Night this Saturday I've just uploaded the video.
Every fighter showed a lot of heart and they didn't disappoint.
I can just imagine the level of skill they will have in the years to come if they keep participating in these events. For some it was their first time and honestly after watching the video it didn't seem like it!
You can find it here on the main page of the Fang Shen Do Website.
Scroll down a bit on the right you'll see FSD on Youtube, you can't miss it.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Every fighter showed a lot of heart and they didn't disappoint.
I can just imagine the level of skill they will have in the years to come if they keep participating in these events. For some it was their first time and honestly after watching the video it didn't seem like it!
You can find it here on the main page of the Fang Shen Do Website.
Scroll down a bit on the right you'll see FSD on Youtube, you can't miss it.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Monday, September 13, 2010
Fight Night was Dynamite
Fight Night was in full swing this weekend and the fighters really put on a good show.
Sifu Patrick and Sifu Stephane hosted the event and fighters came from within our 25 locations to participate.

As with every Fight Night there are some surprises; knock-outs, reversals, and improvements amongst the fighters.
Originally conceived to give our competitive students a place to gain experience, confidence and sharpen their skills, it has also become the best way to keep these aspiring fighters hungry and raising the bar. Not in a negative, ego driven way but in a spirit of teamwork.

When these fighters go back to their respective schools they then pass on what they've learned to other students through the drills and sparring routines we have them go through. In the end everyone gets better and learning is greatly accelerated.
Be part of our winning team.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. I'll have the Fight Highlights ready for tomorrow. Check for the link tomorrow.
Sifu Patrick and Sifu Stephane hosted the event and fighters came from within our 25 locations to participate.
As with every Fight Night there are some surprises; knock-outs, reversals, and improvements amongst the fighters.
Originally conceived to give our competitive students a place to gain experience, confidence and sharpen their skills, it has also become the best way to keep these aspiring fighters hungry and raising the bar. Not in a negative, ego driven way but in a spirit of teamwork.
When these fighters go back to their respective schools they then pass on what they've learned to other students through the drills and sparring routines we have them go through. In the end everyone gets better and learning is greatly accelerated.
Be part of our winning team.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. I'll have the Fight Highlights ready for tomorrow. Check for the link tomorrow.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Saturday Night Fights
Looking for something to do this weekend?

How about some Saturday Night Fights?
Do things a bit out of the ordinary this weekend.
Instead of doing the same old thing, come experience the thrill of watching some Sanshou Fights.
Sanshou rules call for more explosive and entertaining bouts.
When you throw in the mix Punching, Kicking and Throwing it makes for a more dynamic visual display of skill than Boxing or Kickboxing combined.
You might even know some of the fighters competing this weekend and I'm sure they would appreciate your support.
You can reserve a ticket here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Your health is in your hands
I open up today's post with a quote from George Eliot.
"It's never too late to be what you might have been."
Do you catch yourself postponing a goal or dream you want to accomplish?
Or initially you find all the reasons why you should take action only to let the reasons why you shouldn't stop you from accomplishing them?
This is often the case with starting a fitness program.
Everyone knows they should be training and leading a healthy lifestyle but are plagued with these all too common questions and false assumptions:
Feeling strong and vibrant is the first step to giving you enough fuel to make everything else in your life a reality.
When you're physically and emotionally fit you can climb, jump, crawl, out run, or maneuver around any obstacle that stands in your way (literally and figuratively).
Your health is in your hands, make the choice of leading a healthy lifestyle and constantly pushing yourself to new limits.
Here's the quickest way to get started: Station Training
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
"It's never too late to be what you might have been."
Do you catch yourself postponing a goal or dream you want to accomplish?
Or initially you find all the reasons why you should take action only to let the reasons why you shouldn't stop you from accomplishing them?
This is often the case with starting a fitness program.
Everyone knows they should be training and leading a healthy lifestyle but are plagued with these all too common questions and false assumptions:
- I'm too old.
- I don't have time.
- I've tried everything.
- I'll have to give up certain foods I like.
- It's a full time job.
- I have no will power.
- Everyone in my family is overweight, it must be the genes.
- Did I say I don't have time?
Feeling strong and vibrant is the first step to giving you enough fuel to make everything else in your life a reality.
When you're physically and emotionally fit you can climb, jump, crawl, out run, or maneuver around any obstacle that stands in your way (literally and figuratively).
Your health is in your hands, make the choice of leading a healthy lifestyle and constantly pushing yourself to new limits.
Here's the quickest way to get started: Station Training
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Friday, September 3, 2010
It's Louse Time! Keeping it Old School
If you're new to my list of focused, motivated, self-starters, Welcome.
(if you're not new jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon. You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time!
The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course". Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson is: Keeping it Old School
Look around you.
Would our society be better off if we kept things old school?
In all departments.
Be it in relationships (romancing one woman 1000 times instead of romancing 1000 women once)
Martial Arts (Fully embracing the art and making "daily practice" a habit that will inevitably lead you to self-mastery)
Work Ethic (Having pride in your work and focusing on getting the job done instead of cutting corners and passing the buck)
Nutrition (Not falling victim to processed food altering our mind and body)
Courtship (Enjoying the process of falling in love and building a strong bond instead "doing" everything the first night)
Our grand parents and great grand parents had less technology than us but man did they know how to live.
What was all too common for them is being lost today.
All this entertainment and fast paced world we live in, we sometimes forget to just stop and feel our life, our breath.
Something basic like meditation could be done on a more regular basis. Meditating doesn't mean you have to hold a lotus position for hours, while wearing a white satin robe and shaving your head while humming and chanting a sacred poem.
Many types of meditations exist and most can be done out in public without anyone knowing you're doing anything special.
Keep it old school, Re-connect with You. Get this DVD to see what I mean. Meditation DVD.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Your Most Challenging Opponent
Do you ever think about that?
Who would be the worst opponent you would have to face?
Would it be against an unknown thug with a sinister look on his face in a dark alley?
An ex-convict just released from prison?
Or maybe Georges St-Pierre, Anderson Silva or Randy Couture?
The truth is, we're all fighting a relentless opponent.
An opponent that dwarfs any of today's fighters, criminals, or street gang bangers.
Do you know who it is?
Stress is your number one opponent.
Stress is who you should be watching out for and training to fight against.
It is all around us, every day, day and night and constantly attacking our immune system.
Stress is responsible for most illnesses and disease as well as premature aging.
Stress is on the rise and if we're not careful, IT will win the fight.
I hear you calling out: "So what am I supposed to do?"
For starters monitor how you feel throughout the day.
What is stressful for one person might not be for another.
If you love what you do for a living it doesn't feel like work therefore stress levels will be at a minimum.
What if you don't have a choice and you have to work at that job of yours that you hate? (Recent studies show that in excess of 80% of people do, no wonder stress levels are through the roof!)
If this is the case then you need to release stress with the best known solution known to man:
"But exercise IS a form of stress to our body?" you're right, but it depends: "HOW you exercise."
I've been talking about 2 great forms of safe exercises for a long time now.
Station Training and Neigong Training.
Both combined make for a perfect balance between the internal and the external.
Station Training is short and dynamic usually completed in under 15 minutes and Neigong increases blood flow to all organs, strengthens ligaments and tendons and flows your Chi through all meridians of your body for a truly rejuvenating sensation after a training session.
I urge you to check both out in the health section in the FSD Store.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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